Publications of Kristian Frank
Articles in journal or book chapters
  1. R. R. Juluri, A. Rath, A. Ghosh, A. Bhukta, R. Sathyavathi, D. Narayana Rao, Knut Müller, Marco Schowalter, Kristian Frank, Tim Grieb, Florian Krause, Andreas Rosenauer, and Parlapalli Vencata Satyam. Coherently Embedded Ag Nanostructures in Si: 3D Imaging and their application to SERS. Scientific Reports, 4:4633, April 2014.

  2. Fabian Meder, Julia Wehling, Artur Fink, Beate Piel, Kaibo Li, Kristian Frank, Andreas Rosenauer, Laura Treccani, Susan Koeppen, Andreas Dotzauer, and Kurosch Rezwan. The role of surface functionalization of colloidal alumina particles on their controlled interactions with viruses. Biomaterials, 34(17):4203--4213, 2013. Keyword(s): Virus-material interaction.

  3. A. Schneider, K. Sebald, A. Dev, K. Frank, A. Rosenauer, and T. Voss. Towards optical hyperdoping of binary oxide semiconductors. Journal of Applied Physics, 113(14):143512, 2013. Keyword(s): antimony, high-frequency effects, high-speed optical techniques, II-VI semiconductors, nanostructured materials, semiconductor doping, surface structure, wide band gap semiconductors.

  4. Dongchao Hou, Apurba Dev, Kristian Frank, Andreas Rosenauer, and Tobias Voss. Oxygen-Controlled Photoconductivity in ZnO Nanowires Functionalized with Colloidal CdSe Quantum Dots. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116(36):19604--19610, 2012.

  5. Carsten Kruse, Wojciech Pacuski, Tomasz Jakubczyk, Jakub Kobak, Jan A Gaj, Kristian Frank, Marco Schowalter, Andreas Rosenauer, Matthias Florian, Frank Jahnke, and Detlef Hommel. Monolithic ZnTe-based pillar microcavities containing CdTe quantum dots. Nanotechnology, 22(28):285204, 2011.

Conference articles
  1. Kristian Frank, Andre Wichmann, Arne Wittstock, Marcus Bäumer, Lutz Mädler, and Andreas Rosenauer. Investigation of a Nanoporous Gold / TiO2 Catalyst by Electron Microscopy and Tomography. In Symposium V - Geometry and Topology of Biomolecular and Functional Nanomaterials, volume 1504 of MRS Proceedings, 1 2013.

  2. K. Frank, A. Rosenauer, A. Wittstock, B. Neumann, and M. Bäumer. STEM - tomography of nanoporous gold. In poster IM3.P144 MC 2011, Kiel, Germany [poster], 2011.

  3. M. Schowalter, M. Tewes, K. Frank, R. Imlau, A. Rosenauer, H.S. Lee, O.G. Rastelli, M. Schmidt, M. Tavast, T. Leinonen, and M. Guina. Investigation of diffusion in AlAs/GaAs distributed Bragg reflectors using HAADF STEM imaging. In MSM 2011 Cambridge, U.K. [poster] poster P2.12, 2011.

  4. Kristian Frank, Marco Schowalter, Andreas Rosenauer, Wojciech Pacuski, Carsten Kruse, and Detlef Hommel. Quantitative Untersuchung von ZnTe-basierten optoelektronischen Heterostrukturen mittels Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie. In DPG Frühjahrstagung in Regensburg, 2010.

  5. C. Kruse, W. Pacuski, T. Jakubczyk, M. Florian, K. Frank, T. Kazimierczuk, A. Golnik, J. A. Gaj, F. Jahnke, A. Rosenauer, and D. Hommel. High-quality ZnTe-based micropillars containing CdTe quantum dots. In ICPS 2010, 2010.

  6. Marco Schowalter, Thorsten Mehrtens, Kristian Frank, Knut Müller, and Andreas Rosenauer. Analysis of semiconductor interfaces and surface segregation using the composition evaluation by lattice fringe analyis (CELFA) method. In Physics at surfaces and Interfaces (PSI), Puri (India) [Talk], 2009.



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Last modified: Fri Jan 03 13:36:58 2025
Author: Christoph Mahr.

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