Publications of Katharina Gries
Articles in journal or book chapters
  1. Katharina I. Gries, Fabian Heinemann, Andreas Rosenauer, and Monika F. In vitro growth of flat aragonite crystals between the layers of the insoluble organic matrix of the abalone Haliotis laevigata. Journal of Crystal Growth, 358(0):75--80, 2012. Keyword(s): A1. Biocrystallization.

  2. Katharina Gries, Fabian Heinemann, Meike Gummich, Andreas Ziegler, Andreas Rosenauer, and Monika Fritz. Influence of the Insoluble and Soluble Matrix of Abalone Nacre on the Growth of Calcium Carbonate Crystals. Crystal Growth & Design, 11(3):729--734, 2011.

  3. Andreas Rosenauer, Thorsten Mehrtens, Knut Müller, Katharina Gries, Marco Schowalter, Stephanie Bley, Parlapalli Venkata Satyam, Adrian Avramescu, Karl Engl, and Stephan Lutgen. 2D-composition mapping in InGaN without electron beam induced clustering of indium by STEM HAADF Z-contrast imaging. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 326(1):012040, 2011.

  4. Andreas Rosenauer, Thorsten Mehrtens, Knut Müller, Katharina Gries, Marco Schowalter, Parlapalli Venkata Satyam, Stephanie Bley, Christian Tessarek, Detlef Hommel, Katrin Sebald, Moritz Seyfried, Jürgen Gutowski, Adrian Avramescu, Karl Engl, and Stephan Lutgen. Composition mapping in InGaN by scanning transmission electron microscopy. Ultramicroscopy, 111:1316--1327, 2011. Keyword(s): Quantitative STEM, Composition determination, Multislice simulation, Frozen lattice simulation.

  5. Andreas Rosenauer, Katharina Gries, Knut Müller, Marco Schowalter, Angelika Pretorius, Adrian Avramescu, Karl Engl, and Stephan Lutgen. Measurement of composition profiles in III-nitrides by quantitative scanning transmission electron microscopy. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 209(1):012009, 2010.

  6. Patrick Sonström, Johannes Birkenstock, Yulia Borchert, Laura Schilinsky, Peter Behrend, Katharina Gries, Knut Müller, Andreas Rosenauer, and Marcus Bäumer. Nanostructured Praseodymium Oxide: Correlation between phase transitions and catalytic activity. ChemCatChem, 2:694--704, 2010.

  7. Katharina Gries, Roland Kröger, Christian Kübel, Monika Fritz, and Andreas Rosenauer. Investigations of voids in the aragonite platelets of nacre. Acta Biomaterialia, 5(8):3038--3044, 2009. Keyword(s): Nacre.

  8. Katharina Gries, Roland Kröger, Christian Kübel, Marco Schowalter, Monika Fritz, and Andreas Rosenauer. Correlation of the orientation of stacked aragonite platelets in nacre and their connection via mineral bridges. Ultramicroscopy, 109(3):230--236, 2009. Keyword(s): Nacre.

  9. C Kuebel, K Gries, R Kröger, M Fritz, and A Rosenauer. Microstructure of Aragonite Platelets in Nacre. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 15:900--901, 7 2009.

  10. Andreas Rosenauer, Katharina Gries, Knut Müller, Angelika Pretorius, Marco Schowalter, Adrian Avramescu, Karl Engl, and Stephan Lutgen. Measurement of specimen thickness and composition in AlGaN/GaN using high-angle annular dark field images. Ultramicroscopy, 109(9):1171--1182, 2009. Keyword(s): Quantitative STEM Z-contrast imaging.

  11. Birte Jürgens, Holger Borchert, Kirsten Ahrenstorf, Patrick Sonström, Angelika Pretorius, Marco Schowalter, Katharina Gries, Volkmar Zielasek, Andreas Rosenauer, Horst Weller, and Marcus Bäumer. Colloidally Prepared Nanoparticles for the Synthesis of Structurally Well-Defined and Highly Active Heterogeneous Catalysts. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 47(46):8946--8949, 2008. Keyword(s): colloids, heterogeneous catalysis, nanoparticles, oxidation, supported catalysts.

Conference articles
  1. A Rosenauer, T. Mehrtens, K. Müller, K. Gries, M. Schowalter, S. Bley, P. V. Satyam, A. Avramescu, K. Engl, and S. Lutgen. 2D-composition mapping in InGaN without electron beam induced clustering of indium by STEM HAADF Z-contrast imaging. In MSM 2011 Cambridge, U.K. [poster] poster 2.18, 2011.

  2. A. Rosenauer, T. Mehrtens, K. Müller, K. Gries, M. Schowalter, S. Bley, P. V. Satyam, A. Avramescu, K. Engl, and S. Lutgen. Composition mapping in InGaN using HAADF STEM imaging. In W. Jäger, W. Kaysser, W. Benecke, W. Depmeier, S. Gorb, L. Kienle, M. Mulisch, D. Häussler, and A. Lotnyk, editors, Proceedings of the Microscopy Conference 2011 (MC 2011, Kiel), volume 1: Instrumentation and Methods, pages IM2.P113, 2011. DGE - German Society for Electron Microscopy.

  3. Andreas Rosenauer, Thorsten Mehrtens, Knut Müller, Katharina Gries, Marco Schowalter, Stephanie Bley, Parlapalli Vencata Satyam, Christian Tessarek, Detlef Hommel, Kathrin Sebald, Moritz Seyfried, Jürgen Gutowski, Adrian Avramescu, Karl Engl, and Stephan Lutgen. Quantitative STEM: Composition mapping in InGaN. In DPG Frühjahrstagung, Dresden (Germany) [Invited talk], 2011.

  4. A. Rosenauer, T. Mehrtens, K. Müller, K. Gries, M. Schowalter, P. V. Satyam, S. Bley, C. Tessarek, D. Hommel, K. Sebald, M. Seyfried, J. Gutowski, S. S. A. Gerstl, P. P. Choi, and D. Raabe. Composition mapping in InGaN with quantitative STEM Z-contrast imaging. In ICNS Glasgow 2011 [Invited talk], 2011.

  5. K Gries, F. Heinemann, A. Ziegler, A. Rosenauer, and M. Fritz. The influence of the insoluble and soluble matrix on the growth of calcium carbonate crystals. In Gordons Research Conference, Biomineralization, New London (NH, USA), 2010 [poster], 2010.

  6. Katharina Gries, Malte Launspach, Meike Gummich, Tanja Dodenhof, Andreas Rosenauer, and Monika Fritz. New functional ceramic composits through biomineralisation?. In DPG Frühjahrstagung, Regensburg (Germany), 2010.

  7. A. Rosenauer, K. Gries, K. Müller, M. Schowalter, A. Pretorius, A. Avramescu, K. Engl, and S. Lütgen. Measurement of Composition Profiles in III-Nitrides by Quantitative Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy. In MSM XVI, Oxford 2009, 16.-20. März Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 209 (2010) 012009, 2010.

  8. Andreas Rosenauer, Thorsten Mehrtens, Stephanie Bley, Knut Müller, Katharina Gries, Marco Schowalter, Christian Tessarek, Detlef Hommel, Kathrin Sebald, Moritz Seyfried, and Jürgen Gutowski. Composition mapping in InGaN quantum wells and quantum dots using high resolution STEM imaging. In International Microscopy Congress (IMC17), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) [Poster presentation], 2010.

  9. Andreas Rosenauer, Knut Müller, Katharina Gries, Marco Schowalter, Angelika Pretorius, Adrian Avramescu, Karl Engl, and Stephan Lutgen. Towards Quantitative Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy: Measurement of Composition in III Nitrides. In International Conference on Advances in Electron Microscopy and Related Techniques/XXXI Annual Meeting of EMSI, Mumbai (India) [Invited talk], 2010.

  10. K. Gries, M. Fritz, and A. Rosenauer. Detection of calcium ions in the mantle epithelium of the abalone Haliotis laevigata. In MC2009 Graz (Austria) Vol.2: Life Sciences, pp297 - 298, 2009, 2009.

  11. K. Gries, R. Kröger, C. Kuebel, M. Fritz, and A. Rosenauer. Electron microscopic investigations of the polymer/mineral composite material nacre. In S. Richter, A. Schwedt (Eds.): EMC 2008, Vol. 2: Materials Science, pp. 733-734, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-85226-1_367, 2008.

  12. Katharina Gries, Roland Kröger, Christian Kuebel, Monika Fritz, and Andreas Rosenauer. Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchung des Polymer-Mineral-Verbundmaterials Perlmutt. In DPG Frühjahrstagung, Berlin (Germany), 2008.

  13. Knut Müller and Katharina Gries. Advanced Methods in Transmission Electron Microscopy. In Tutorial held at the workshop of the Institute for solid state physics in Riezlern, Austria. A handout of the 30 minutes talk is available at, 2008.



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Last modified: Fri Jan 03 13:36:58 2025
Author: Christoph Mahr.

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