Publications of Knut Müller
Knut Müller.
Transmission electron microscopy of InGaNAs nanostructures using ab-initio structure factors for strain-relaxed supercells.
PhD thesis,
Universität Bremen,
May 2011.
Articles in journal or book chapters
M. Dries,
S. Hettler,
B. Gamm,
E. Müller,
W. Send,
K. Müller,
A. Rosenauer,
and D. Gerthsen.
A nanocrystalline Hilbert phase-plate for phase-contrast transmission electron microscopy.
Keyword(s): Transmission electron microscopy.
Elias Goldmann,
Matthias Paul,
Florian F. Krause,
Knut Müller,
Jan Kettler,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Michael Jetter,
Peter Michler,
and Frank Jahnke.
Structural and emission properties of InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots emitting at 1.3 micrometers.
Applied Physics Letters,
Tim Grieb,
Knut Müller,
Emmanuel Cadel,
Andreas Beyer,
Marco Schowalter,
Etienne Talbot,
Kerstin Volz,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Simultaneous Quantification of Indium and Nitrogen Concentration in InGaNAs Using HAADF-STEM.
Microscopy and Microanalysis,
9 2014.
Dominik Heinz,
Mohamed Fikry,
Timo Aschenbrenner,
Marco Schowalter,
Tobias Meisch,
Manfred Madel,
Florian Huber,
Matthias Hocker,
Manuel Frey,
Ingo Tischer,
Benjamin Neuschl,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Knut Müller,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Detlef Hommel,
Klaus Thonke,
and Ferdinand Scholz.
GaN tubes with coaxial non- and semipolar GaInN quantum wells.
Phys. Status Solidi (c),
R. R. Juluri,
A. Rath,
A. Ghosh,
A. Bhukta,
R. Sathyavathi,
D. Narayana Rao,
Knut Müller,
Marco Schowalter,
Kristian Frank,
Tim Grieb,
Florian Krause,
Andreas Rosenauer,
and Parlapalli Vencata Satyam.
Coherently Embedded Ag Nanostructures in Si: 3D Imaging and their application to SERS.
Scientific Reports,
April 2014.
H. Kauko,
B. O. Fimland,
T. Grieb,
A. M. Munshi,
K. Müller,
A. Rosenauer,
and A. T. J. van Helvoort.
Near-surface depletion of antimony during the growth of GaAsSb and GaAs/GaAsSb nanowires.
Journal of Applied Physics,
Knut Müller,
Florian F. Krause,
Armand Béché,
Marco Schowalter,
Vincent Galioit,
Stefan Löffler,
Johan Verbeeck,
Josef Zweck,
Peter Schattschneider,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Atomic electric fields revealed by a quantum mechanical approach to electron picodiffraction.
Nature Communications,
December 2014.
Keyword(s): DPC,
electric field.
A. Rath,
J. K. Dash,
R. R. Juluri,
A. Ghosh,
T. Grieb,
M. Schowalter,
F. F. Krause,
K. Müller,
A. Rosenauer,
and P. V. Satyam.
A study of the initial stages of the growth of Au-assisted epitaxial Ge nanowires on a clean Ge(100) surface.
Andreas Rosenauer,
Florian F. Krause,
Knut Müller,
Marco Schowalter,
and Thorsten Mehrtens.
Conventional Transmission Electron Microscopy Imaging beyond the Diffraction and Information Limits.
Phys. Rev. Lett.,
August 2014.
Ahin Roy,
Subhajit Kundu,
Knut Müller,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Saransh Singh,
Prita Pant,
M. P. Gururajan,
Praveen Kumar,
J. Weissmüller,
Abhishek Kumar Singh,
and N. Ravishankar.
Wrinkling of Atomic Planes in Ultrathin Au Nanowires.
Nano Letters,
J. Schmidt,
R. Hartmann,
P. Holl,
M. Huth,
G. Lutz,
K. Müller,
A. Rosenauer,
H. Ryll,
S. Send,
M. Simson,
D. Steigenhöfer,
J. Soltau,
H. Soltau,
and L. Strüder.
Extending the dynamic range of fully depleted pnCCDs.
Journal of Instrumentation,
Keyword(s): pnCCD,
direct electron detection,
Marco Schowalter,
Ingo Stoffers,
Florian F. Krause,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Knut Müller,
Malte Fandrich,
Timo Aschenbrenner,
Detlef Hommel,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Influence of Static Atomic Displacements on Composition Quantification of AlGaN/GaN Heterostructures from HAADF-STEM Images.
Microscopy and Microanalysis,
10 2014.
Tim Grieb,
Knut Müller,
Rafael Fritz,
Vincenzo Grillo,
Marco Schowalter,
Kerstin Volz,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Quantitative chemical evaluation of dilute GaNAs using ADF STEM: Avoiding surface strain induced artifacts.
Keyword(s): Quantitative.
Florian F. Krause,
Knut Müller,
Dennis Zillmann,
Jacob Jansen,
Marco Schowalter,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Comparison of intensity and absolute contrast of simulated and experimental high-resolution transmission electron microscopy images for different multislice simulation methods.
Keyword(s): Stobbs factor.
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Knut Müller,
Marco Schowalter,
Dongzhi Hu,
Daniel M. Schaadt,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Measurement of indium concentration profiles and segregation efficiencies from high-angle annular dark field-scanning transmission electron microscopy images.
Keyword(s): HAADF-STEM.
K Müller,
H Ryll,
I Ordavo,
M Schowalter,
J Zweck,
H Soltau,
S Ihle,
L Strüder,
K Volz,
P Potapov,
and A Rosenauer.
STEM strain analysis at sub-nanometre scale using millisecond frames from a direct electron read-out CCD camera.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series,
M Tewes,
F F Krause,
K Müller,
P Potapov,
M Schowalter,
T Mehrtens,
and A Rosenauer.
Quantitative Composition Evaluation from HAADF-STEM in GeSi/Si Heterostructures.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series,
Tim Grieb,
Knut Müller,
Rafael Fritz,
Marco Schowalter,
Kerstin Volz,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
A method to avoid strain field induced artifacts in 2D chemical mapping of dilute GaNAs by HAADF STEM.
Microsc. Microanal.,
Tim Grieb,
Knut Müller,
Oleg Rubel,
Rafael Fritz,
Claas Gloistein,
Nils Neugebohrn,
Marco Schowalter,
Kerstin Volz,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Determination of Nitrogen Concentration in Dilute GaNAs by STEM HAADF Z-Contrast Imaging and improved STEM-HAADF strain state analysis.
Knut Müller,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Marco Schowalter,
Josef Zweck,
Rafael Fritz,
and Kerstin Volz.
Strain measurement in semiconductor heterostructures by scanning transmission electron microscopy.
Microscopy and Microanalysis,
Knut Müller,
Henning Ryll,
Ivan Ordavo,
Sebastian Ihle,
Lothar Strüder,
Kerstin Volz,
Josef Zweck,
Heike Soltau,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Scanning transmission electron microscopy strain measurement from millisecond frames of a direct electron charge coupled device.
Applied Physics Letters,
Keyword(s): CCD image sensors,
electron detection,
electron probes,
nanostructured materials,
scanning-transmission electron microscopy,
semiconductor materials,
strain measurement.
A. Rath,
J. K. Dash,
R. R. Juluri,
M. Schowalter,
K. Müller,
A. Rosenauer,
and P. V. Satyam.
Nano scale phase separation in Au-Ge system on ultra clean Si (100) surfaces.
Journal of Applied Physics,
Marco Schowalter,
Knut Müller,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Scattering amplitudes and static atomic correction factors for the composition-sensitive 002 reflection in sphalerite ternary III--V and II--VI semiconductors.
Acta Crystallographica Section A,
January 2012.
Keyword(s): scattering factors,
static atomic displacements,
modified atomic scattering amplitudes,
correction factor.
Huanjun Zhang,
Amir R. Gheisi,
Andreas Sternig,
Knut Müller,
Marco Schowalter,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Oliver Diwald,
and Lutz Mädler.
Bulk and Surface Excitons in Alloyed and Phase-Separated ZnO-MgO Particulate Systems.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,
J. K. Dash,
A. Rath,
R. R. Juluri,
P. Santhana Raman,
K. Müller,
A. Rosenauer,
and P. V. Satyam.
DC heating induced shape transformation of Ge structures on ultra clean Si (5 5 12) surfaces.
Journal of Physics: Condensed matter,
J. K. Dash,
A. Rath,
R. R. Juluri,
P. Santhana Raman,
K. Müller,
M. Schowalter,
R. Imlau,
A. Rosenauer,
and P. V. Satyam.
Shape transformation of SiGe structures on ultra clean Si(5 5 7) and Si(5 5 12) surfaces.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series,
Tim Grieb,
Knut Müller,
Oleg Rubel,
Rafael Fritz,
Claas Gloistein,
Nils Neugebohrn,
Marco Schowalter,
Kerstin Volz,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Determination of Nitrogen Concentration in Dilute GaNAs by STEM HAADF Z-Contrast Imaging.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series,
Vincenco Grillo,
Knut Müller,
Frank Glas,
Kerstin Volz,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Toward Simultaneous Assessment of In and N in InGaAsN Alloys by Quantitative STEM-ADF Imaging.
Microscopy and Microanalysis,
7 2011.
V. Grillo,
K. Müller,
K. Volz,
F. Glas,
T. Grieb,
and A. Rosenauer.
Strain, composition and disorder in ADF imaging of semiconductors.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series,
Robert Imlau,
Knut Müller,
Oleg Rubel,
Rafael Fritz,
Marco Schowalter,
Kerstin Volz,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Investigation of optical and concentration profile changes of InGaNAs/GaAs heterostructures induced by thermal annealing.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series,
Knut Müller,
Marco Schowalter,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Dongzhi Hu,
Daniel M. Schaadt,
Michael Hetterich,
Philippe Gilet,
Oleg Rubel,
Rafael Fritz,
and Kerstin Volz.
Atomic scale annealing effects on InGaNAs studied by TEM three-beam imaging.
Physical Review B,
July 2011.
K. Müller,
M. Schowalter,
O. Rubel,
D. Z. Hu,
D. M. Schaadt,
M. Hetterich,
P. Gilet,
R. Fritz,
K. Volz,
and A. Rosenauer.
TEM 3-beam study of annealing effects in InGaNAs using ab-initio structure factors for strain-relaxed supercells.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series,
Angelika Pretorius,
Thomas Schmidt,
Timo Aschenbrenner,
Tomohiro Yamaguchi,
Christian Kübel,
Knut Müller,
Heiko Dartsch,
Detlef Hommel,
Jens Falta,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Microstructural and compositional analyses of GaN based nanostructures.
Physica Status Solidi,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Knut Müller,
Katharina Gries,
Marco Schowalter,
Stephanie Bley,
Parlapalli Venkata Satyam,
Adrian Avramescu,
Karl Engl,
and Stephan Lutgen.
2D-composition mapping in InGaN without electron beam induced clustering of indium by STEM HAADF Z-contrast imaging.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Knut Müller,
Katharina Gries,
Marco Schowalter,
Parlapalli Venkata Satyam,
Stephanie Bley,
Christian Tessarek,
Detlef Hommel,
Katrin Sebald,
Moritz Seyfried,
Jürgen Gutowski,
Adrian Avramescu,
Karl Engl,
and Stephan Lutgen.
Composition mapping in InGaN by scanning transmission electron microscopy.
Keyword(s): Quantitative STEM,
Composition determination,
Multislice simulation,
Frozen lattice simulation.
Knut Müller,
Marco Schowalter,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Jacob Jansen,
Kenji Tsuda,
John Titantah,
and Dirk Lamoen.
Refinement of chemically sensitive structure factors using parallel and convergent beam electron nanodiffraction.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series,
Knut Müller,
Marco Schowalter,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Oleg Rubel,
and Kerstin Volz.
Effect of bonding and static atomic displacements on composition quantification in InGaNAs.
Phys. Rev. B,
February 2010.
Andreas Rosenauer,
Katharina Gries,
Knut Müller,
Marco Schowalter,
Angelika Pretorius,
Adrian Avramescu,
Karl Engl,
and Stephan Lutgen.
Measurement of composition profiles in III-nitrides by quantitative scanning transmission electron microscopy.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series,
Patrick Sonström,
Johannes Birkenstock,
Yulia Borchert,
Laura Schilinsky,
Peter Behrend,
Katharina Gries,
Knut Müller,
Andreas Rosenauer,
and Marcus Bäumer.
Nanostructured Praseodymium Oxide: Correlation between phase transitions and catalytic activity.
Knut Müller,
Marco Schowalter,
Jacob Jansen,
Kenji Tsuda,
John Titantah,
Dirk Lamoen,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Refinement of the 200 structure factor for GaAs using parallel and convergent beam electron nanodiffraction data.
Keyword(s): GaAs,
Structure factor refinement,
Parallel beam electron diffraction,
Convergent beam electron diffraction.
Andreas Rosenauer,
Katharina Gries,
Knut Müller,
Angelika Pretorius,
Marco Schowalter,
Adrian Avramescu,
Karl Engl,
and Stephan Lutgen.
Measurement of specimen thickness and composition in AlGaN/GaN using high-angle annular dark field images.
Keyword(s): Quantitative STEM Z-contrast imaging.
A. Pretorius,
K. Müller,
T. Yamaguchi,
R. Kröger,
D. Hommel,
and A. Rosenauer.
Concentration Evaluation in Nanometre-Sized InGaN Islands Using Transmission Electron Microscopy,
pages 17--20.
Springer Netherlands,
Angelika Pretorius,
Knut Müller,
Roland Kröger,
Detlef Hommel,
Andreas Rosenauer,
and Tomohiro Yamaguchi.
Concentration measurement in free-standing InGaN nano-islands with transmission electron microscopy.
Microscopy and Microanalysis,
13 (Suppl. 03):312--313,
R. Otto,
H. Kirmse,
I. Häusler,
W. Neumann,
A. Rosenauer,
D. Bimberg,
and L. Muller-Kirsch.
Determination of composition and strain field of a III/V quaternary quantum dot system.
Applied Physics Letters,
Keyword(s): III-V semiconductors,
gallium arsenide,
indium compounds,
internal stresses,
semiconductor quantum dots,
transmission electron microscopy,
Tim Grieb,
Florian F. Krause,
Christoph Mahr,
Knut Müller,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Optimization of NBED simulations to predict experimental disc-detection measurements (Talk).
In European Microscopy Congress 2016 (EMC 2016), Lyon (F),
Christoph Mahr,
Knut Müller,
Marco Schowalter,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Tim Grieb,
Florian F. Krause,
Daniel Erben,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Analysis and improvement of precision and accuracy of strain measurements by convergent nano-beam electron diffraction (SANBED).
In Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 2015 (MSM XIX), Cambridge (UK) [Talk],
volume Session 3b, Tue, March 31st,
Knut Müller,
Florian F. Krause,
Armand Béché,
Marco Schowalter,
Vincent Galioit,
Stefan Löffler,
Johan Verbeeck,
Josef Zweck,
Peter Schattschneider,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
A quantum mechanical approach to electron picodiffraction reveals atomic electric fields.
In Materials Research Society Spring Meeting 2015 (MRS 2015), San Francisco (USA) [Talk],
volume Symposium ZZ, Talk 2.02,
Knut Müller,
Florian F. Krause,
Armand Béché,
Marco Schowalter,
Vincent Galioit,
Stefan Löffler,
Johan Verbeeck,
Josef Zweck,
Peter Schattschneider,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Quantum mechanical interpretation of electron picodiffraction reveals atomic electric fields.
In Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 2015 (MSM XIX), Cambridge (UK) [Talk],
volume Session 4b (Wed, April 1st),
Knut Müller,
Andreas Oelsner,
Andreas Rosenauer,
and Pavel Potapov.
STEM strain measurement from a stream of diffraction patterns recorded on a pixel-free delay-line detector.
In Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 2015 (MSM XIX), Cambridge (UK) [Poster],
volume Poster Session 2, Poster P 2.5 (Tue, March 31st),
Andreas Rosenauer,
Florian F. Krause,
Knut Müller,
Marco Schowalter,
and Thorsten Mehrtens.
Conventional Transmission Electron Microscopy Imaging beyond the Diffraction and Information Limits.
In Materials Research Society Spring Meeting 2015 (MRS 2015), San Francisco (USA) [Talk],
volume Symposium ZZ, Talk 2.02,
M. Simson,
H. Banba,
R. Hartmann,
M. Huth,
S. Ihle,
L. Jones,
Y. Kondo,
K. Müller,
P. D. Nellist,
H. Ryll,
R. Sagawa2,
J. Schmidt,
H. Soltau,
L. Strüder,
and H. Yang.
4D-STEM imaging with the pnCCD (S)TEM-Camera.
In Microscopy and Microanalysis (M&M, Portland, USA) [Talk],
Martin Simson,
Henning Ryll,
R. Hartmann,
Martin Huth,
Sebastian Ihle,
Lewis Jones,
Y. Kondo,
Knut Müller,
Peter D. Nellist,
R. Sagawa,
J. Schmidt,
Heike Soltau,
Lothar Strder,
and Hao Yang.
Fast STEM imaging with the pixelated pnCCD (S)TEM-camera.
In Microscopy Conference MC 2015, Göttingen (D), session IM 1, [Poster IM1.P012],
September 6-11th 2015.
Josef Zweck,
Knut Müller,
Florian F. Krause,
Armand Béché,
Marco Schowalter,
Vincent Galioit,
Stefan Löffler,
Johan Verbeeck,
Peter Schattschneider,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Exploring the space between atoms: Interatomic electric fields imaged by STEM-DPC.
In Multinational Congress on Microscopy (MCM) 2015, Eger (Hungary) [Invited talk],
Manuel Dries,
Simon Hettler,
Björn Gamm,
Erich Müller,
Wilfried Send,
Dagmar Gerthsen,
Knut Müller,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
A Nanocrystalline Hilbert Phase Plate for Phase Contrast Transmission Electron Microscopy.
In Microscopy and Microanalysis (M&M) 2014, Hartford (USA) [],
Christoph Mahr,
Knut Müller,
Daniel Erben,
Marco Schowalter,
Josef Zweck,
Kerstin Volz,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Strain Analysis by Nano-Beam Electron Diffraction (SANBED) in semiconductor nanostructures.
In 18th International Microscopy Congress (IMC) [Poster IT-9-P-3029],
Knut Müller,
Henning Ryll,
Ivan Ordavo,
Sebastian Ihle,
Martin Huth,
Martin Simson,
Josef Zweck,
Kerstin Volz,
Heike Soltau,
Pavel Potapov,
Lothar Strüder,
Marco Schowalter,
Christoph Mahr,
Daniel Erben,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Strain Analyisis by Nano-Beam Electron Diffraction using millisecond frames of a direct electron pnCCD detector.
In 18th International Microscopy Congress (IMC) [Talk MS-8-O-3268],
Knut Müller,
Henning Ryll,
Ivan Ordavo,
Sebastian Ihle,
Martin Huth,
Martin Simson,
Josef Zweck,
Kerstin Volz,
Heike Soltau,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Pavel Potapov,
Marco Schowalter,
Lothar Strüder,
Christoph Mahr,
and Daniel Erben.
Strain Analysis from Nano-beam Electron Diffraction Patterns Recorded on Direct Electron Charge-coupled Devices.
In Microscience Microscopy Congress, MMC 2014, Manchester (UK), July, 2014 [invited talk PS3.1.4],
Andreas Rosenauer,
Knut Müller,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Marco Schowalter,
Timo Aschenbrenner,
Carsten Kruse,
Detlef Hommel,
Lars Hoffmann,
Andreas Hangleiter,
Pyuck-Pa Choi,
and Dierk Raabe.
Measurement of the indium concentration in high-indium content InGaN layers by scanning transmission electron microscopy and atom probe tomography.
In SPIE Photonics West OPTO, San Francisco (USA) [Invited Talk],
Andreas Rosenauer,
Knut Müller,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Marco Schowalter,
Moritz Tewes,
Timo Aschenbrenner,
Carsten Kruse,
Detlef Hommel,
Pyuck-Pa Choi,
Dierk Raabe,
and Pavel Potapov.
Measurement of Composition with Quantitative STEM.
In EMSI-2014, Delhi (India) [Invited Talk],
Henning Ryll,
Robert Hartmann,
Martin Huth,
Sebastian Ihle,
Knut Müller,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Julia Schmidt,
Martin Simson,
Heike Soltau,
and Lothar Strüder.
New Operation Modes with the PNCCD TEM Camera for Versatile, Direct Electron Imaging in Transmission Electron Microscopy Applications.
In Microscience Microscopy Congress, MMC 2014, Manchester (UK), July, 2014 [Poster 1051],
M. Schowalter,
F. Krause,
T. Grieb,
T. Mehrtens,
K. Müller,
and A. Rosenauer.
Position resolved single electron response of the HAADF-STEM detector and improved method for intensity normalisation.
In 18th International Microscopy Congress (IMC) [Talk IT-2-O-3292],
Marco Schowalter,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Jokob Borchard,
Max Grimme,
Knut Müller,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Influence of disorder on the temperature dependence of the HAADF intensity.
In EMSI-2014, Delhi (India) [Talk],
M Simson,
R. Hartmann,
M. Huth,
S. Ihle,
K. Müller,
A. Rosenauer,
H. Ryll,
J. Schmidt,
H. Soltau,
and L. Strüder.
New Operation Modes with the direct detecting pnCCD-camera in Transmission Electron Microscopy.
In 18th International Microscopy Congress (IMC) [Poster IT-8-P-1696],
D. Zhou,
W. Sigle,
K. Müller,
A. Rosenauer,
C. Zhu,
M. Kelsch,
Maier J.,
and P. van Aken.
Contrast Investigation of Annular Bright-Field Imaging in Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy of LiFePO4.
In 18th International Microscopy Congress (IMC) [Poster IT-2-P-2042],
Tim Grieb,
Knut Müller,
Emanuel Cadel,
Rafael Fritz,
Nils Neugebohrn,
Etienne Talbot,
Marco Schowalter,
Kerstin Volz,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Chemical composition analysis of dilute GaNAs and InGaNAs by high-angle annular dark field STEM.
In International Conference on Electron Microscopy and XXIV Annual Meeting of the Electron Microscope Society of India (EMSI) 2013, Kolkata (India) [Talk],
T. Grieb,
K. Müller,
E. Cadel,
R. Fritz,
E. Talbot,
M. Schowalter,
K. Volz,
and A. Rosenauer.
Determination of In and N concentration in (InGa)(NAs) quantum wells using HAADF STEM and investigation of annealing effects.
In Proceedings of the Microscopy Conference 2013 (MC 2013, Regensburg) Germany [Poster],
volume 1: Instrumentation and Methods,
pages IM.1.P024,
T. Grieb,
K. Müller,
R. Fritz,
V. Grillo,
M. Schowalter,
K. Volz,
and A. Rosenauer.
Avoiding surface strain field induced artifacts in 2d chemical mapping of dilute GaNAs quantum wells by HAADF STEM.
In Proceedings of the Microscopy Conference 2013 (MC 2013, Regensburg) Germany [Poster],
volume 1: Instrumentation and Methods,
pages IM.1.P008,
Dominik Heinz,
Mohamed Fikry,
Timo Aschenbrenner,
Marco Schowalter,
Tobias Meisch,
Manfred Madel,
Florian Huber,
Matthias Hocker,
Ingo Tischer,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Knut Müller,
Manuel Frey,
Julian Jakob,
Benjamin Neuschl,
Detlef Hommel,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Klaus Thonke,
and Ferdinand Scholz.
Ga(In)N micro- and nanostructures for optical gas sensing.
In Statusworkshop Kompetenznetz Funktionelle Nanostrukturen [Poster],
Florian F. Krause,
Knut Müller,
Dennis Zillmann,
Jacob Jansen,
Marco Schowalter,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Comparison of intensity and absolute contrast of simulated and experimental high-resolution transmission electron microscopy images for different multislice simulation methods (Poster).
In Proceedings of the Microscopy Conference 2013 (MC 2013), Regensburg (D),
volume 1: Instrumentation and Methods,
pages IM.1.P022,
Knut Müller,
Henning Ryll,
Ivan Ordavo,
Marco Schowalter,
Josef Zweck,
Heike Soltau,
Sebastian Ihle,
Lothar Strüder,
Kerstin Volz,
Pavel Potapov,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
STEM strain analysis at sub-nanometre scale using millisecond frames of a direct electron read-out CCD camera.
In Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 2013 (MSM XVIII),Oxford (UK) [Talk],
volume G: Scanning Electron and Ion Beam Techniques,
K. Müller,
H. Ryll,
I. Ordavo,
D. Zillmann,
M. Schowalter,
J. Zweck,
H. Soltau,
S. Ihle,
L. Strüder,
K. Volz,
P. Potapov,
and A. Rosenauer.
Strain Analysis by Nano-Beam Electron Diffraction (SANBED): Present performance and future prospects.
In Proceedings of the Microscopy Conference 2013 (MC 2013, Regensburg) Germany [Talk],
volume 1: Instrumentation and Methods,
pages IM.1.004,
A. Rosenauer,
K. Müller,
T. Mehrtens,
M. Schowalter,
A. Würfel,
T. Aschenbrenner,
C. Kruse,
D. Hommel,
L. Hoffmann,
A. Hangleiter,
Pyuck-Pa Choi,
and D. Raabe.
Quantitative Methods in TEM and STEM.
In ,
H. Ryll,
K. Müller,
S. Ihle,
H. Soltau,
I. Ordavo,
A. Liebel,
R. Hartmann,
A. Rosenauer,
and L. Strüder.
A new direct electron imaging camera for transmission electron microscopy based on an ultrafast pnCCD.
In Proceedings of the Microscopy Conference 2013 (MC 2013, Regensburg) Germany [poster],
volume 1: Instrumentation and Methods,
pages IM.1.P029,
H. Ryll,
K. Müller,
S. Ihle,
H. Soltau,
I. Ordavo,
A. Liebel,
R. Hartmann,
A. Rosenauer,
and L. Strüder.
Results of a pnCCD Based Ultrafast Direct Single Electron Imaging Camera for Transmission Electron Microscopy.
In Proceedings of the Microscopy and Microanalysis Conference 2013 (MandM 2013, Indianapolis) USA [Talk],
volume A14.04: New Instrumentation at the Limits: Characteristics and Applications,
Marco Schowalter,
Ingo Stoffers,
Florian Krause,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Knut Müller,
Malte Fandrich,
Timo Aschenbrenner,
Detlef Hommel,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Composition determination using HAADF-STEM in AlGaN/GaN heterostructures revisited.
In Microscopy Conference 2013 (MC 2013, Regensburg) [Poster Presentation],
volume 1: Instrumentation and Methods,
pages IM.1.P028,
Ingo Stoffers,
Marco Schowalter,
Florian Krause,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Knut Müller,
Malte Fandrich,
Timo Aschenbrenner,
Detlef Hommel,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Composition quantification from HAADF-STEM in AlGaN/GaN heterostructures revisited.
In Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 2013 (MSMX VIII),Oxford (UK) [Poster Presentation],
Moritz Tewes,
Florian Krause,
Knut Müller,
Pavel Potapov,
Marco Schowalter,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Quantitative Composition Evaluation from HAADF-STEM in GeSi/Si Heterostructures.
In Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 2013 (MSM XVIII),Oxford (UK) [Talk],
Tim Grieb,
Knut Müller,
Rafael Fritz,
Marco Schowalter,
Kerstin Volz,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
A method to avoid strain field induced artifacts in 2D chemical mapping of dilute GaNAs by HAADF STEM.
In Microscopy and Microanalysis [Talk 595],
volume 18,
pages 1028--1029,
Tim Grieb,
Knut Müller,
Rafael Fritz,
Marco Schowalter,
Kerstin Volz,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
A new method for true 2d chemical mapping: strain-field unaffected evaluation of dilute GaNAs by HAADF STEM.
In Microscopy and Microanalysis (M&M) conference 2012, Phoenix (USA) [Poster],
Tim Grieb,
Knut Müller,
Andreas Hyra,
Rafael Fritz,
Marco Schowalter,
Nicolai Knaub,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Chemical analysis of InGaNAs quantum wells using HAADF STEM.
In EMC 2012 [Poster], Session PS1.2: Thin films, Coatings and Interface, Manchester (UK),
Knut Müller,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Marco Schowalter,
Josef Zweck,
Rafael Fritz,
and Kerstin Volz.
Strain analysis by nano-beam electron diffraction (SANBED) in semiconductor nanostructures [Invited talk].
In The XXXIII Annual Meeting of the Electron Microscopy Society of India,
pages 36,
Keyword(s): SANBED.
Knut Müller,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Marco Schowalter,
Josef Zweck,
Rafael Fritz,
and Kerstin Volz.
Strain measurement in semiconductor nanostructures by convergent electron nanoprobe diffraction [Talk].
In Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft,
volume 47,
pages 312,
A. Rosenauer,
K. Müller,
T. Mehrtens,
M. Schowalter,
T. Aschenbrenner,
C. Kruse,
D. Hommel,
K. Sebald,
and J. Gutowski.
TEM investigation of InGaN quantum dots.
In First German-Korean Symposium on Nano-optics and Nano-technology, Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst, (Germany) December 14, 2012, [Invited talk],
Andreas Rosenauer,
Knut Müller,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Marco Schowalter,
Rafael Fritz,
and Kerstin Volz.
Measurement of Composition and Strain by Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy.
In Microscopy and Microanalysis, Phoenix (USA) [Invited talk],
Andreas Rosenauer,
Knut Müller,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Marco Schowalter,
Alexander Würfel,
Timo Aschenbrenner,
Carsten Kruse,
Detlef Hommel,
Lars Hoffmann,
Andreas Hangleiter,
S. A. Gerstl,
Pyuck-Pa Choi,
and Dirk Raabe.
Measurement of composition and strain in InGaN quantum dots by STEM [Plenary talk].
In The XXXIII Annual Meeting of the Electron Microscopy Society of India, EMSI2012, Bengaluru (Indien), July 4, 2012 [invited talk],
pages 25,
A. Rosenauer,
K. Müller,
T. Mehrtens,
M. Schowalter,
J. Zweck,
R. Fritz,
and K. Volz.
Measurement of Composition and Strain by STEM.
In International Conference on Extended Defects in Semiconductors, EDS 2012, Thessaloniki (Greece) [Invited Talk],
Andreas Rosenauer,
Knut Müller,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Marco Schowalter,
Josef Zweck,
Rafael Fritz,
and Kerstin Volz.
Measurement of composition and strain by STEM.
In Microscopy and Microanalysis 2012 (M&M2012), Phoenix, Arizona, July 29-August 2 [Invited talk],
volume 18,
pages 1804--1805,
S. Figge,
H. Dartsch,
C. Tessarek,
T. Aschenbrenner,
C. Kruse,
D. Hommel,
K. Sebald,
M. Seyfried,
J. Kalden,
J. Gutowski,
M. Schowalter,
K. Müller,
A. Rosenauer,
M. Florian,
and F. Jahnke.
Enhancing the Collection-Efficiency of InGaN Quantum Dots in Single Photon Emitters.
In poster PC1.17 ICNS 9 Glasgow, U.K. 2011, [Poster],
volume PC1.17,
R. Fritz,
A. Beyer,
W. Stolz,
O. Rubel,
T. Grieb,
K. Müller,
M. Schowalter,
A. Rosenauer,
I. Häusler,
A. Mogilatenko,
H. Kirmse,
W. Neumann,
and K. Volz.
HAADF-STEM in a JEOL 2200FS for quantitative analysis of composition in compound III/V semiconductor materials.
In W. Jäger,
W. Kaysser,
W. Benecke,
W. Depmeier,
S. Gorb,
L. Kienle,
M. Mulisch,
D. Häussler,
and A. Lotnyk, editors,
Proceedings of the Microscopy Conference 2011 (MC 2011, Kiel),
volume 1: Instrumentation and Methods,
pages IM2.P130,
DGE - German Society for Electron Microscopy.
Rafael Fritz,
Andreas Beyer,
Wolfgang Stolz,
Kerstin Volz,
Knut Müller,
Marco Schowalter,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Ines Häusler,
Anna Mogilatenko,
Holm Kirmse,
and Wolfgang Neumann.
Quantitative analysis of chemical composition using HAADF -STEM in a JEOL 2200FS.
In Microscopy of semiconducting materials, Cambridge (UK) [Talk],
T. Grieb,
K. Müller,
O. Rubel,
R. Fritz,
C. Gloistein,
N. Neugebohrn,
M. Schowalter,
K. Volz,
and A. Rosenauer.
Determination of Nitrogen concentration in dilute GaNAs by STEM HAADF Z-contrast imaging.
In MSM 2011 Cambridge, U.K. [talk] talk D13,
Tim Grieb,
Knut Müller,
Oleg Rubel,
Rafael Fritz,
Marco Schowalter,
Kerstin Volz,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Determination of nitrogen concentration in dilute GaNAs by STEM HAADF Z-contrast imaging.
In DPG Frühjahrstagung, Dresden (Germany) [Talk],
T. Grieb,
K. Müller,
O. Rubel,
R. Fritz,
M. Schowalter,
K. Volz,
and A. Rosenauer.
STEM strain state analysis in combination with HAADF intensity evaluation to determine chemical composition of GaNAs quantum wells.
In W. Jäger,
W. Kaysser,
W. Benecke,
W. Depmeier,
S. Gorb,
L. Kienle,
M. Mulisch,
D. Häussler,
and A. Lotnyk, editors,
Proceedings of the Microscopy Conference 2011 (MC 2011, Kiel),
volume 1: Instrumentation and Methods,
pages IM2.P120,
DGE - German Society for Electron Microscopy.
V. Grillo,
K. Müller,
C. Frigeri,
K. Volz,
F. Glas,
and A. Rosenauer.
Strain, composition and disorder in ADF imaging of semiconductors.
In MSM 2011 Cambridge, U.K. [talk] talk D10,
Robert Imlau,
Knut Müller,
Marco Schowalter,
Rafael Fritz,
Kerstin Volz,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Untersuchung struktureller und optischer Eigenschaften von getemperten InGaNAs-Trögen mittels TEM-Dreistrahlabbildung.
In DPG Frühjahrstagung, Dresden (Germany) [Talk],
R. Imlau,
K. Müller,
M. Schowalter,
O. Rubel,
R. Fritz,
K. Volz,
and A. Rosenauer.
Investigation of optical and concentration profile changes of InGaNAs/GaAs heterostructures induced by thermal annealing.
In MSM 2011 Cambridge, U. K. [poster] poster 2.16,
K. Müller,
T. Grieb,
O. Rubel,
M. Schowalter,
R. Fritz,
D. Z. Hu,
D. Schaadt,
M. Hetterich,
K. Volz,
and A. Rosenauer.
Conventional and Scanning TEM of InGaNAs: Comparison of theory and experiment.
In W. Jäger,
W. Kaysser,
W. Benecke,
W. Depmeier,
S. Gorb,
L. Kienle,
M. Mulisch,
D. Häussler,
and A. Lotnyk, editors,
Proceedings of the Microscopy Conference 2011 (MC 2011, Kiel) Germany [poster] Best poster award,
volume 1: Instrumentation and Methods,
pages IM2.P132,
DGE - German Society for Electron Microscopy.
Knut Müller,
Marco Schowalter,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Dongzhi M. Hu,
Daniel Schaadt,
Michael Hetterich,
Philippe Gilet,
Oleg Rubel,
Rafael Fritz,
and Kerstin Volz.
Annealing in InGaNAs studied by TEM three-beam imaging.
In DPG Frühjahrstagung, Dresden (Germany) [Talk],
K. Müller,
M. Schowalter,
O. Rubel,
D. Z. Hu,
D. M. Schaadt,
M. Hetterich,
P. Gilet,
R. Fritz,
K. Volz,
and A. Rosenauer.
TEM 3-beam study of annealing effects in InGaNAs using ab-initio structure factors for strain-relaxed supercells.
In MSM 2011 Cambridge, U. K. [Talk] talk B4,
A Rosenauer,
T. Mehrtens,
K. Müller,
K. Gries,
M. Schowalter,
S. Bley,
P. V. Satyam,
A. Avramescu,
K. Engl,
and S. Lutgen.
2D-composition mapping in InGaN without electron beam induced clustering of indium by STEM HAADF Z-contrast imaging.
In MSM 2011 Cambridge, U.K. [poster] poster 2.18,
A. Rosenauer,
T. Mehrtens,
K. Müller,
K. Gries,
M. Schowalter,
S. Bley,
P. V. Satyam,
A. Avramescu,
K. Engl,
and S. Lutgen.
Composition mapping in InGaN using HAADF STEM imaging.
In W. Jäger,
W. Kaysser,
W. Benecke,
W. Depmeier,
S. Gorb,
L. Kienle,
M. Mulisch,
D. Häussler,
and A. Lotnyk, editors,
Proceedings of the Microscopy Conference 2011 (MC 2011, Kiel),
volume 1: Instrumentation and Methods,
pages IM2.P113,
DGE - German Society for Electron Microscopy.
Andreas Rosenauer,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Knut Müller,
Katharina Gries,
Marco Schowalter,
Stephanie Bley,
Parlapalli Vencata Satyam,
Christian Tessarek,
Detlef Hommel,
Kathrin Sebald,
Moritz Seyfried,
Jürgen Gutowski,
Adrian Avramescu,
Karl Engl,
and Stephan Lutgen.
Quantitative STEM: Composition mapping in InGaN.
In DPG Frühjahrstagung, Dresden (Germany) [Invited talk],
A. Rosenauer,
T. Mehrtens,
K. Müller,
K. Gries,
M. Schowalter,
P. V. Satyam,
S. Bley,
C. Tessarek,
D. Hommel,
K. Sebald,
M. Seyfried,
J. Gutowski,
S. S. A. Gerstl,
P. P. Choi,
and D. Raabe.
Composition mapping in InGaN with quantitative STEM Z-contrast imaging.
In ICNS Glasgow 2011 [Invited talk],
A. Rosenauer,
K. Müller,
and M. Schowalter.
STEMSIM-a software tool for simulation of STEM ADF Z-contrast imaging.
In invited talk in the Workshop W4 Simulation for TEM and STEM MC 2011, Kiel, Germany [invited talk],
P.V. Satyam,
J. K. Dash,
A. Rath,
R. R. Juluri,
P. Santhana Raman,
K. Müller,
M. Schowalter,
R. Imlau,
and A. Rosenauer.
Shape transformation of SiGe structures on ultra clean Si (5 5 7) and Si(5 5 12) surfaces.
In MSM 2011 Cambridge, U.K. [poster] poster P2.2,
volume P2.2,
M. Schowalter,
K. Müller,
and A. Rosenauer.
Density Functional Theory simulations for quantitative transmission electron microscopy.
In CECAM-HQ-EPFL workshop 2011, Lausanne, Switzerland [invited talk],
K. Volz,
R. Fritz,
A. Beyer,
W. Stolz,
K. Müller,
M. Schowalter,
A. Rosenauer,
I. Haeusler,
A. Mogilatenko,
H. Kirmse,
and W. Neumann.
Quantitative analysis of chemical composition using HAADF-STEM in a JEOL 2200FS.
In talk D11 MSM 2011 Cambridge, U.K. [talk],
Rafael Fritz,
Andreas Beyer,
Oleg Rubel,
Wolfgang Stolz,
Kerstin Volz,
Knut Müller,
Marco Schowalter,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Ines Häusler,
Anna Mogilatenko,
Holm Kirmse,
and Wolfgang Neumann.
Quantitative analysis of chemical composition in Ga(AsP)-heterostructures using HAADF-STEM in a JEOL 2200FS.
In International Microscopy Congress (IMC17) Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) [Poster presentation],
Claas Gloistein,
Knut Müller,
Marco Schowalter,
Andreas Rosenauer,
and Jacob Jansen.
Computation and measurement of atomic mean square displacements for quantitative evaluation of high angle annular dark field images.
In International Conference on Advances in Electron Microscopy and Related Techniques/XXXI Annual Meeting of EMSI, Mumbai (India) [Invited talk],
Vincenzo Grillo,
Frank Glas,
Knut Müller,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Simulation of STEM-HAADF microscopy images for the chemical quantification in InGaAsN alloys.
In Transnational Access Meeting (TAM), Helsinki (Finland) [Poster presentation],
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Marco Schowalter,
Knut Müller,
Dongzhi Hu,
Daniel M. Schaadt,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Measuring of segregation profiles from HAADF -STEM images.
In International Microscopy Congress (IMC17), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) [Poster presentation],
K. Müller,
M. Schowalter,
A. Rosenauer,
J. Jansen,
K. Tsuda,
J. Titantah,
and D. Lamoen.
Refinement of chemically sensitive structure factors using parallel and convergent beam electron nanodiffraction.
In MSM XVI, Oxford 2009, 16.-20. März Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 209 (2010) 012025,
Knut Müller,
Marco Schowalter,
Oleg Rubel,
Kerstin Volz,
Michael Hetterich,
Dongzhi Hu,
Daniel Schaadt,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Dual compositional mapping in InGaNAs using a single TEM lattice fringe image.
In International Microscopy Congress (IMC17), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) [Poster presentation],
A. Rosenauer,
K. Gries,
K. Müller,
M. Schowalter,
A. Pretorius,
A. Avramescu,
K. Engl,
and S. Lütgen.
Measurement of Composition Profiles in III-Nitrides by Quantitative Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy.
In MSM XVI, Oxford 2009, 16.-20. März Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 209 (2010) 012009,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Stephanie Bley,
Knut Müller,
Katharina Gries,
Marco Schowalter,
Christian Tessarek,
Detlef Hommel,
Kathrin Sebald,
Moritz Seyfried,
and Jürgen Gutowski.
Composition mapping in InGaN quantum wells and quantum dots using high resolution STEM imaging.
In International Microscopy Congress (IMC17), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) [Poster presentation],
Andreas Rosenauer,
Knut Müller,
Katharina Gries,
Marco Schowalter,
Angelika Pretorius,
Adrian Avramescu,
Karl Engl,
and Stephan Lutgen.
Towards Quantitative Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy: Measurement of Composition in III Nitrides.
In International Conference on Advances in Electron Microscopy and Related Techniques/XXXI Annual Meeting of EMSI, Mumbai (India) [Invited talk],
Moritz Speckmann,
Thomas Schmidt,
Jan Ingo Flege,
Inga Heidmann,
Andre Kubelka,
Locatelli A.,
T. O. Mentes,
M. A. Nino,
Knut Müller,
Andreas Rosenauer,
and Jens Falta.
Facets, mazes, slabs, and nanowires: silver-mediated germanium growth on silicon surfaces.
In 37th International conference on Vacuum Ultraviolet and X-ray Physics (VUVX), Vancouver (Canada) [Talk],
Timo Aschenbrenner,
Gerd Kunert,
Carsten Kruse,
Stephan Figge,
Joachim Kalden,
Kathrin Sebald,
Knut Müller,
Marco Schowalter,
Jürgen Gutowski,
Andreas Rosenauer,
and Detlef Hommel.
Catalyst- and mask-free grown GaN nanocolumns.
In E-MRS Fall Meeting 2009, Warsaw (Poland) [Invited talk],
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Knut Müller,
Marco Schowalter,
Nils Neugebohrn,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Dongzhi Hu,
and Daniel Schaadt.
Towards a quantitative concentration analysis in InGaAs-heterostructures using HAADF-STEM.
In G. Kothleitner and M. Leisch, editors,
MC2009, Graz (Austria) Vol. 1: Instrumentation and Methodology,
pages 219--220,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Marco Schowalter,
Knut Müller,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Dongzhi Hu,
and Daniel Schaadt.
Analysis of segregation profiles in InGaAs quantum wells via TEM and STEM.
In Verhandlungen der DPG,
number HL 1.6,
Knut Müller,
Marco Schowalter,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Jacob Jansen,
Kenji Tsuda,
John Titantah,
and Dirk Lamoen.
Measurement of structure factors by parallel and convergent beam electron nanodiffraction.
In G. Kothleitner and M. Leisch, editors,
MC2009, Vol. 1: Instrumentation and Methodology [Poster],
pages 293--294,
Knut Müller,
Marco Schowalter,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Wolfgang Stolz,
and Kerstin Volz.
Simultaneous measurement of In and N concentration maps and profiles in InGaNAs from a single TEM lattice fringe image.
In W. Grogger,
F. Hofer,
and P. Pölt, editors,
MC2009, Graz (Austria) Vol. 3: Materials science,
pages 45--46,
Marco Schowalter,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Kristian Frank,
Knut Müller,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Analysis of semiconductor interfaces and surface segregation using the composition evaluation by lattice fringe analyis (CELFA) method.
In Physics at surfaces and Interfaces (PSI), Puri (India) [Talk],
John T. Titantah,
Dirk Lamoen,
Marco Schowalter,
Andreas Rosenauer,
and Knut Müller.
Ab initio based atomic scattering amplitudes and 002 electron structure factor of GaInAsN / GaAs quantum wells.
In 32nd International Symposium on Dynamical Properties of Solids, Antwerp (Belgium) [Poster presentation],
September 2009.
Knut Müller and Katharina Gries.
Advanced Methods in Transmission Electron Microscopy.
In Tutorial held at the workshop of the Institute for solid state physics in Riezlern, Austria. A handout of the 30 minutes talk is available at,
Knut Müller,
Marco Schowalter,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Jacob Jansen,
John Titantah,
and Dirk Lamoen.
Measurement of 002 structure factors for GaAs from electron spot diffraction patterns.
In Verhandlungen der DPG [Talk],
number HL 33.2,
pages 376,
Knut Müller,
Marco Schowalter,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Dirk Lamoen,
John Titantah,
Jacob Jansen,
and Kenji Tsuda.
Measurement of GaAs structure factors from the diffraction of parallel and convergent electron nanoprobes.
In M. Luysberg,
K. Tillmann,
and T. Weirich, editors,
EMC 2008, Vol. 1: Instrumentation and methods [Poster],
pages 215--216,
Knut Müller,
Marco Schowalter,
Andreas Rosenauer,
John Titantah,
Dirk Lamoen,
Jacob Jansen,
and Kenji Tsuda.
Measurement of 002 structure factors for GaAs using parallel and convergent beam electron diffraction.
In Meeting of the Arbeitskreises Hochauflösende Elektronenmikroskopie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Elektronenmikroskopie, Bremen [Vortrag (Talk)],
A. Pretorius,
T. Yamaguchi,
K. Müller,
R. Kröger,
D. Hommel,
and A. Rosenauer.
Concentration Measurement In Free-Standing InGaN Nano-Islands With Transmission Electron Microscopy.
In MC 2007, Saarbrücken, Germany, September 2-7, 2007 Microsc. Microanal. 13 (Suppl. 3), 2007, 312,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Marco Schowalter,
Knut Müller,
John Titantah,
and Dirk Lamoen.
Ab-inito Methods as Tools for Quantitative High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy.
In MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (USA) [Invited talk],
A. Rosenauer,
M. Schowalter,
K. Müller,
J. Titantah,
D. Lamoen,
P. Kruse,
and D. Gerthsen.
Ab-inito Methods as Tools for Quantitative High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy.
In MRS Autumn Meeting 2008 Symposium C: Quantitative Electron Microscopy for Materials Science SESSION C21: HRTEM and Quantitative Comparison of Experiment and Theory II,
A. Rosenauer,
A. Pretorius,
M. Schowalter,
K. Müller,
T. Yamaguchi,
D. Hommel,
D. Litvinov,
and D. Gerthsen.
Composition determination of semiconductor nanostructures.
In NVvM - BSM Joint Meeting Lunteren, NL, November 26-28, 2006,
Knut Müller.
Evaluation of STEM images with the ImageEval software [Tutorial],
January 2014.
Knut Müller.
Nanowires, quantum wells, MOSFETs: Scanning and conventional TEM characterisation of structure and composition [Invited talk],
October 2014.
Knut Müller.
Practice of quantitative STEM [Lecture],
January 2014.
Knut Müller.
Quantitative analysis of (S)TEM images using the ImageEval software [Tutorial],
October 2014.
Knut Müller.
Simulation of STEM images [Lecture],
January 2014.
Knut Müller.
Simulation of STEM images with the STEMsim software [Tutorial],
January 2014.
Knut Müller,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Florian Krause,
Marco Schowalter,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Simulation of STEM images [Invited talk],
February 2014.
Knut Müller and Andreas Rosenauer.
Quantitative STEM simulation/Evaluation [Tutorial],
September 2014.
Knut Müller.
Practice and Application of quantitative STEM [Lecture],
March 2013.
Knut Müller.
Strain Analysis by Nano-Beam Electron Diffraction (SANBED) [Lecture],
August 2013.
Knut Müller and Andreas Rosenauer.
Simulation of STEM images with the STEMsim software [Tutorial],
March 2013.
Knut Müller,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Marco Schowalter,
Josef Zweck,
Kerstin Volz,
Heike Soltau,
Pavel Potapov,
and Karl Engl.
Strain Analysis by Nano-Beam Electron Diffraction [Invited talk],
Knut Müller.
Measurement of 002 structure factors for GaAs using parallel and convergent beam electron diffraction [Talk],
April 2008.
Knut Müller.
Bestimmung von Strukturfaktoren für Galliumarsenid mittels Elektronenbeugung - Entwicklung und Test einer Messmethode (Determination of structure factors for gallium arsenide by electron diffraction - development and test of a measurement method).
Universität Bremen,
Otto-Hahn-Allee 1, 28359 Bremen, Germany,
September 2007.
Knut Müller.
Quantitative Analyse von InGaN-Inseln mittels Hochauflösungs-Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie (Quantitative analysis of InGaN-islands by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy),
June 2006.
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Author: Christoph Mahr.
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