Publications of year 1995
Articles in journal or book chapters
W.S. Kuhn,
A. Lusson,
B. Qu'Hen,
C. Grattepain,
H. Dumont,
O. Gorochov,
S. Bauer,
K. Wolf,
M. Wörz,
T. Reisinger,
A. Rosenauer,
H.P. Wagner,
H. Stanzl,
and W. Gebhardt.
The metal organic vapour phase epitaxy of ZnTe: III. Correlation of growth and layer properties.
Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials,
S. Lankes,
B. Hahn,
C. Meier,
F. Hierl,
M. Kastner,
A. Rosenauer,
and W. Gebhardt.
Photoreflectance measurements on ZnSe/ZnS0.25Se0.75SQW.
physica status solidi (a),
A. Rosenauer,
T. Reisinger,
E. Steinkirchner,
J. Zweck,
and W. Gebhardt.
High resolution transmission electron microscopy determination of Cd diffusion in CdSeZnSe single quantum well structures.
Journal of Crystal Growth,
K Wolf,
S Jilka,
A Rosenauer,
G Schutz,
H Stanzl,
T Reisinger,
and W Gebhardt.
High-resolution X-ray diffraction investigations of epitaxially grown ZnSe/GaAs layers.
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,
W. Gebhardt,
T. Reisinger,
B. Hahn,
and A. Rosenauer.
Growth of Large Gap II-VI Semiconductors by MBE and MOVPE: A Comparative Study,.
In International Conference on Semiconductor Heteroepitaxy, Monpellier, France, July 4th to 7th, World Scientific, 1995, 51-58,
M. Grün,
M. Hetterich,
C. Klingshirn,
A Rosenauer,
and W. Gebhardt.
Decrease of the Phase Stability in II-VI Epitaxial Layers Due to Strain,.
In II-VI Compounds and Semimagnetic Semiconductors. Third European Workshop on II-VI Compounds and Fourth International Workshop on Semimagnetic (Diluted Magnetic) Semiconductors. Linz, Austria, 26-28 Sept 1994, Materials Science Forum Vols. 182-184, 235-238,
T. Reisinger,
A. Rosenauer,
F. Franzen,
and W. Gebhardt.
In-Situ Growth Control of ZnSe/GaAs and ZnCdSe Quantum Wells,.
In International Conference on Semiconductor Heteroepitaxy, Monpellier, France, July 4th to 7th, World Scientific, 1995, 118-121,
A. Rosenauer,
T. Reisinger,
E. Steinkirchner,
J. Zweck,
and W. Gebhardt.
Bestimmung der Diffusion von Cd in CdSe/ZnSe Quantentrogstrukturen.
In DPG Frühjahrstagung, Berlin (Germany) Frühjahrstagung des Arbeitskreises Festkörperphysik 1995, Berlin, Verhandl. DPG (VI) 30, 1995, 1212,
A. Rosenauer,
G. Schütz,
T. Reisinger,
H. Preis,
F. Franzen,
and W. Gebhardt.
TEM Investigation of Plastic Relaxation in ZnSe/GaAs(001), International Conference on Semiconductor Heteroepitaxy, Monpellier, France, July 4th to 7th,.
In World Scientific, 1995, 114-117,
N. Schnellinger,
A. Rosenauer,
J. Zweck,
and A. Hoffmann.
Investigations on Preparation Artefacts in Au/Si Cross-Sectioned Samples,.
In ICEM 13 Paris 17.-22.7.1995, 1021-1022,
G. Schütz,
T. Reisinger,
and W. Gebhardt.
TEM-Untersuchung der Spannungsrelaxation in MBE ZnSe/GaAs(001).
In DPG Frühjahrstagung, Berlin (Germany) Frühjahrstagung des Arbeitskreises Festkörperphysik 1995, Berlin, Verhandl. DPG (VI) 30, 1995, 1213,
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Last modified: Fri Jan 03 13:36:58 2025
Author: Christoph Mahr.
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