Publications of year 1997
Articles in journal or book chapters
M. Hetterich,
M. Grün,
W. Petri,
C. Märkle,
C. Klingshirn,
A. Wurl,
U. Fischer,
A. Rosenauer,
and D. Gerthsen.
Elastic and plastic strain relaxation in ultrathin CdS/ZnS quantum-well structures grown by molecular-beam epitaxy.
Phys. Rev. B,
November 1997.
Marcus J. Kastner,
Gabriella Leo,
Doris Brunhuber,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Herbert Preis,
Berthold Hahn,
Markus Deufel,
and Wolfgang Gebhardt.
Investigations on strain relaxation of ZnS(x)Se(1−x) layers grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy.
Journal of Crystal Growth,
A. Rosenauer,
U. Fischer,
D. Gerthsen,
and A. Forster.
Composition evaluation of In(x)Ga(1-x)As Stranski-Krastanow-island structures by strain state analysis.
Applied Physics Letters,
Keyword(s): indium compounds,
gallium arsenide,
III-V semiconductors,
island structure,
transmission electron microscopy,
lattice constants,
molecular beam epitaxial growth,
semiconductor epitaxial layers,
finite element analysis,
semiconductor growth.
A. Rosenauer,
T. Remmele,
D. Gerthsen,
K. Tillmann,
and A. Förster.
Atomic scale strain measurements by the digital analysis of transmission electron microscopic lattice images.
Optik (Stuttgart),
Note: Eng.
Keyword(s): Experimental study,
Electron microscopy,
High-resolution methods,
Measuring methods,
Stress analysis,
Layer thickness,
Semiconductor materials.
U. Woggon,
W. Langbein,
J. M. Hvam,
A. Rosenauer,
T. Remmele,
and D. Gerthsen.
Electron microscopic and optical investigations of the indium distribution in GaAs capped In(x)Ga(1-x)As islands.
Applied Physics Letters,
Keyword(s): indium compounds,
gallium arsenide,
III-V semiconductors,
semiconductor quantum dots,
buried layers,
transmission electron microscopy,
molecular beam epitaxial growth,
semiconductor growth,
semiconductor epitaxial layers.
A. Rosenauer,
T. Remmele,
U. Fischer,
A. Förster,
and D. Gerthsen.
Strain determination in mismatched semiconductor heterostructures by the digital analysis of lattice images,.
In Microcopy of Semiconducting Materials 1997, Oxford, UK, 7-10 April 1997, Proceedings of the Royal Microscopical Society Conference, Editors A.G. Cullis, J.L. Hutchison, Institute of Physics Publishing (1997), 39-42,
T.H. Walter,
A. Rosenauer,
D. Gerthsen,
F. Fischer,
R. Gall,
Th. Litz,
A. Waag,
and G. Landwehr.
Transmission electron microscopy investigations of an epitaxial beryllium-chalcogenide-based superlattice,.
In Microcopy of Semiconducting Materials 1997, Oxford, UK, 7-10 April 1997, Proceedings of the Royal Microscopical Society Conference, Editors A.G. Cullis, J.L. Hutchison, Institute of Physics Publishing (1997), 315-318,
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Last modified: Fri Jan 03 13:36:58 2025
Author: Christoph Mahr.
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