Publications of year 1999
Articles in journal or book chapters
A. Rosenauer and D. Gerthsen.
Atomic Scale Strain and Composition Evaluation from High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy Images.
In Peter W. Hawkes, editor, ,
volume 107 of Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics,
pages 121--230.
R. Engelhardt,
U.W. Pohl,
D. Bimberg,
D. Litvinov,
A. Rosenauer,
and D. Gerthsen.
Room-temperature lasing of strain-compensated CdSe/ZnSSe quantum island laser structures.
Journal of Applied Physics,
Keyword(s): II-VI semiconductors,
MOCVD coatings,
cadmium compounds,
plastic deformation,
quantum well lasers,
zinc compounds,
I. L. Krestnikov,
M. Strassburg,
M. Caesar,
A. Hoffmann,
U. W. Pohl,
D. Bimberg,
N. N. Ledentsov,
P. S. Kop'ev,
Zh. I. Alferov,
D. Litvinov,
A. Rosenauer,
and D. Gerthsen.
Control of the electronic properties of CdSe submonolayer superlattices via vertical correlation of quantum dots.
Phys. Rev. B,
September 1999.
D. Luerssen,
R. Bleher,
H. Richter,
Th. Schimmel,
H. Kalt,
A. Rosenauer,
D. Litvinov,
A. Kamilli,
D. Gerthsen,
K. Ohkawa,
B. Jobst,
and D. Hommel.
Radiative recombination centers induced by stacking-fault pairs in ZnSe/ZnMgSSe quantum-well structures.
Applied Physics Letters,
Keyword(s): zinc compounds,
magnesium compounds,
II-VI semiconductors,
wide band gap semiconductors,
semiconductor quantum wells,
stacking faults,
defect states,
interface states,
interface structure,
atomic force microscopy,
transmission electron microscopy,
A. Rosenauer and D. Gerthsen.
Composition evaluation by the lattice fringe analysis method using defocus series.
E Schomburg,
S Brandl,
K.F Renk,
N.N Ledentsov,
V.M Ustinov,
A.E Zhukov,
A.R Kovsh,
A.Yu Egorov,
R.N Kyutt,
B.V Volovik,
P.S Kop'ev,
Zh.I Alferov,
A Rosenauer,
D Litvinov,
D Gerthsen,
D.G Pavel'ev,
and Y.I Koschurinov.
Miniband transport in a semiconductor superlattice with submonolayer barriers.
Physics Letters A,
Keyword(s): 85.30.Vw.
M. Strassburg,
R. Heitz,
V. Türck,
S. Rodt,
U.W. Pohl,
A. Hoffmann,
D. Bimberg,
I.L. Krestnikov,
V.A. Shchukin,
N.N. Ledentsov,
Zh.I. Alferov,
D. Litvinov,
A. Rosenauer,
and D. Gerthsen.
Three-dimensionally confined excitons and biexcitons in submonolayer-CdSe/ZnSe superlattices.
Journal of Electronic Materials,
Keyword(s): CdSe/(Zn,
excitonic localization,
resonant waveguiding.
A.F. Tsatsul’Nikov,
B.V. Volovik,
N.N. Ledentsov,
M.V. Maximov,
A.Yu Egorov,
A.R. Kovsh,
V.M. Ustinov,
A.E. Zhukov,
P.S. Kop’Ev,
Zh.I. Alferov,
I.A. Kozin,
M.V. Belousov,
I.P. Soshnikov,
P. Werner,
D. Litvinov,
U. Fischer,
A. Rosenauer,
and D. Gerthsen.
Lasing in structures with InAs quantum dots in an (Al, Ga)As matrix grown by submonolayer deposition.
Journal of Electronic Materials,
Keyword(s): Lasing,
quantum dots,
vertical correlation.
T. Walter,
A. Rosenauer,
R. Wittmann,
D. Gerthsen,
F. Fischer,
T. Gerhard,
A. Waag,
G. Landwehr,
P. Schunk,
and T. Schimmel.
Structural properties of BeTe/ZnSe superlattices.
Phys. Rev. B,
March 1999.
R. Bleher,
H. Kalt,
A. Kamilli,
A. Rosenauer,
D. Gerthsen,
K. Ohkawa,
and D. Hommel.
Erhöhte bandkantennahe Lumineszenzausbeute verknüpft mit Frank-Defekten in ZnSe-Quantenfilmen.
In DPG Frühjahrstagung, Münster (Germany) Frühjahrstagung des Arbeitskreises Festkörperphysik 1999, Münster, Verhandl. DPG (VI) 34, 1999, 768,
I. L. Krestnikov,
M. Strassburg,
M. Caesar,
V. Shchukin,
A. Hoffmann,
U. W. Pohl,
D. Bimberg,
N. N. Ledentsov,
V.G. Malyshkin,
P.S. Kop'ev,
Z. Alferov,
D. Litvinov,
A. Rosenauer,
and D. Gerthsen.
Vertical arrangement and wavefunction control in structures with 2D quantum dots (invited).
In Proceedings ICPS24, Jerusalem, August 2-7, 1998, D. Gershoni, Ed. (World Scientific, 1999), pp. 70-77,
D. Litvinov,
A. Rosenauer,
and D. Gerthsen.
Struktur und Zusammensetzung von CdSe/ZnSe-Quantenpunkten,.
In DPG Frühjahrstagung, Münster (Germany) Frühjahrstagung des Arbeitskreises Festkörperphysik 1999, Münster, Verhandl. DPG (VI) 34, 1999, 722,
B. Neubauer,
E. Hahn,
A. Rosenauer,
and D. Gerthsen.
Investigation of Composition Fluctuations in InxGa1-xN,.
In Microcopy of Semiconducting Materials 1999, Oxford, UK, 22-25 March 1999, Proceedings of the Royal Microscopical Society Conference, Editors A.G. Cullis, J.L. Hutchison, Institute of Physics Publishing (1999),
B. Neubauer,
A. Rosenauer,
D. Gerthsen,
O. Ambacher,
M. Stutzmann,
M. Albrecht,
and H.P. Strunk.
Analysis of composition fluctuations in Al(x)Ga(1-x)N.
In E-MRS 1998 Spring Meeting, Symposium L: Nitrides and Related Wide Band Gap Materials. - 16-19 June 1998 Mater. Sci. Eng. B 59, 182-5,
W. Oberst,
A. Rosenauer,
D. Gerthsen,
and A. Förster.
Quantitative transmissionselektronenmikroskopische Untersuchung von InGaAs/GaAs-Quantenpunktstrukturen.
In DPG Frühjahrstagung, Münster (Germany) Frühjahrstagung des Arbeitskreises Festkörperphysik 1999, Münster, Verhandl. DPG (VI) 34, 1999, 768,
N. Peranio,
A. Rosenauer,
and D. Gerthsen.
Strukturelle und chemische Analysen an CdSe/ZnSe-Quantenpunktstrukturen.
In DPG Frühjahrstagung, Münster (Germany) Frühjahrstagung des Arbeitskreises Festkörperphysik 1999, Münster, Verhandl. DPG (VI) 34, 1999, 769,
A. Rosenauer,
W. Oberst,
D. Gerthsen,
and A. Förster.
Atomic scale analysis of the indium distribution in InGaAs/GaAs(001) heterostructures: segregation, lateral indium redistribution and the effect of growth interruptions,.
In MRS Fall Meeting 1998, Symposium: Growth Instabilities and Decompostion DuringHeteroepitaxy. Thin Solid Films 357, 18-21,
A. Rosenauer,
N. Peranio,
and D. Gerthsen.
Investigation of CdSe/ZnSe Quantum Dot Structures by Composition Evaluation by Lattice Fringe Analysis,.
In Microcopy of Semiconducting Materials 1999, Oxford, UK, 22-25 March 1999, Proceedings of the Royal Microscopical Society Conference, Editors A.G. Cullis, J.L. Hutchison, Institute of Physics Publishing (1999),
M. Strassburg,
R. Engelhardt,
R. Heitz,
U.W. Pohl,
S. Rodt,
V. Turck,
A. Hoffmann,
D. Bimberg,
I. L. Krestnikov,
N. N. Ledentsov,
Z. Alferov,
D. Litvinov,
A. Rosenauer,
and D. Gerthsen.
Quantum dots formed by ultrathin CdSe-ZnSe insertions.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium Nanostructures: Physics and Technology, Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 14-18, 1999, p.13-19,
M. Strassburg,
I. L. Krestnikov,
A. Göldner,
V. Kutzer,
A. Hoffmann,
N. N. Ledentsov,
Z. Alferov,
D. Litvinov,
A. Rosenauer,
and D. Gerthsen.
Excitonic gain in CdSe/ZnSe quantum dot structures.
In Proceedings ICPS24, Jerusalem, August 2-7, 1998, D. Gershoni, Ed. (World Scientific),
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Last modified: Fri Jan 03 13:36:58 2025
Author: Christoph Mahr.
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