Publications of year 2009
Articles in journal or book chapters
B. Butz,
R. Schneider,
D. Gerthsen,
M Schowalter,
and A. Rosenauer.
Decomposition of 8.5 mol. Y2O3-doped zirconia and its contribution to the degradation of ionic conductivity.
Acta Materialia,
Katharina Gries,
Roland Kröger,
Christian Kübel,
Monika Fritz,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Investigations of voids in the aragonite platelets of nacre.
Acta Biomaterialia,
Keyword(s): Nacre.
Katharina Gries,
Roland Kröger,
Christian Kübel,
Marco Schowalter,
Monika Fritz,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Correlation of the orientation of stacked aragonite platelets in nacre and their connection via mineral bridges.
Keyword(s): Nacre.
C Kuebel,
K Gries,
R Kröger,
M Fritz,
and A Rosenauer.
Microstructure of Aragonite Platelets in Nacre.
Microscopy and Microanalysis,
7 2009.
Knut Müller,
Marco Schowalter,
Jacob Jansen,
Kenji Tsuda,
John Titantah,
Dirk Lamoen,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Refinement of the 200 structure factor for GaAs using parallel and convergent beam electron nanodiffraction data.
Keyword(s): GaAs,
Structure factor refinement,
Parallel beam electron diffraction,
Convergent beam electron diffraction.
Andreas Rosenauer,
Katharina Gries,
Knut Müller,
Angelika Pretorius,
Marco Schowalter,
Adrian Avramescu,
Karl Engl,
and Stephan Lutgen.
Measurement of specimen thickness and composition in AlGaN/GaN using high-angle annular dark field images.
Keyword(s): Quantitative STEM Z-contrast imaging.
A. Schaefer,
V. Zielasek,
Th. Schmidt,
A. Sandell,
M. Schowalter,
O. Seifarth,
L. E. Walle,
Ch. Schulz,
J. Wollschläger,
T. Schroeder,
A. Rosenauer,
J. Falta,
and M. Bäumer.
Growth of praseodymium oxide on Si(111) under oxygen-deficient conditions.
Phys. Rev. B,
July 2009.
M. Schowalter,
A. Rosenauer,
J. T. Titantah,
and D. Lamoen.
Computation and parametrization of the temperature dependence of Debye-Waller factors for group IV, III-V and II-VI semiconductors.
Acta Crystallogr., Sect. A,
January 2009.
Keyword(s): Debye-Waller factors,
force constants,
phonon densities of states.
M. Schowalter,
A. Rosenauer,
J. T. Titantah,
and D. Lamoen.
Temperature-dependent Debye-Waller factors for semiconductors with the wurtzite-type structure.
Acta Crystallogr., Sect. A,
May 2009.
V. C. Srivastava,
K. B. Surreddi,
S. Scudino,
M. Schowalter,
V. Uhlenwinkel,
A. Schulz,
A. Rosenauer,
H.-W. Zoch,
and J. Eckert.
Spray forming of Bulk Al85Y8Ni5Co2 with co-existing amorphous, nano- and micro-crystalline Structures.
Transactions of the Indian In,
J. T. Titantah,
D. Amoen,
M. Schowalter,
and A. Rosenauer.
Density-functional theory calculation of the electron energy-loss near-edge structure of Li-Intercalated graphite.
J. T. Titantah,
D. Lamoen,
M. Schowalter,
and A. Rosenauer.
Modified atomic scattering amplitudes and size effects on the 002 and 220 electron structure factors of multiple Ga$_{1-x}$In$_x$As/GaAs quantum wells.
J. Appl. Phys.,
Keyword(s): arsenic compounds,
density functional theory,
gallium arsenide,
gallium compounds,
III-V semiconductors,
indium compounds,
lattice constants,
Monte Carlo methods,
nanostructured materials,
semiconductor heterojunctions,
semiconductor quantum wells.
Jo Verbeeck,
Peter Schattschneider,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Image simulation of high resolution energy filtered TEM images.
Keyword(s): Image simulation.
Timo Aschenbrenner,
Gerd Kunert,
Carsten Kruse,
Stephan Figge,
Joachim Kalden,
Kathrin Sebald,
Knut Müller,
Marco Schowalter,
Jürgen Gutowski,
Andreas Rosenauer,
and Detlef Hommel.
Catalyst- and mask-free grown GaN nanocolumns.
In E-MRS Fall Meeting 2009, Warsaw (Poland) [Invited talk],
B. Butz,
R. Schneider,
D. Gerthsen,
M. Schowalter,
and A. Rosenauer.
Chemical instability as reason for degradation of ionic conductivity in 8.5 mol% Y03-doped ZrO.
In W. Grogger,
F. Hofer,
and P. Pölt, editors,
MC2009, Graz (Austria) Vol. 3: Materials science,
pages 201--302,
M. Dries,
B. Gamm,
K. Schultheiss,
A. Rosenauer,
R.R. Schröder,
and D. Gerthsen.
Object wave reconstruction by carbon-film-based Zernike- and Hilbert-phase plates.
In MC2009 Graz (Austria),
B. Gamm,
M. Dries,
K. Schultheiss,
H. Blank,
A. Rosenauer,
R.R. Schr�er,
and D. Gerthsen.
Object wave reconstruction by phase plate transmission electron microscopy.
In MC2009 Graz (Austria),
K. Gries,
M. Fritz,
and A. Rosenauer.
Detection of calcium ions in the mantle epithelium of the abalone Haliotis laevigata.
In MC2009 Graz (Austria) Vol.2: Life Sciences, pp297 - 298, 2009,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Knut Müller,
Marco Schowalter,
Nils Neugebohrn,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Dongzhi Hu,
and Daniel Schaadt.
Towards a quantitative concentration analysis in InGaAs-heterostructures using HAADF-STEM.
In G. Kothleitner and M. Leisch, editors,
MC2009, Graz (Austria) Vol. 1: Instrumentation and Methodology,
pages 219--220,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Marco Schowalter,
Knut Müller,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Dongzhi Hu,
and Daniel Schaadt.
Analysis of segregation profiles in InGaAs quantum wells via TEM and STEM.
In Verhandlungen der DPG,
number HL 1.6,
Knut Müller,
Marco Schowalter,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Jacob Jansen,
Kenji Tsuda,
John Titantah,
and Dirk Lamoen.
Measurement of structure factors by parallel and convergent beam electron nanodiffraction.
In G. Kothleitner and M. Leisch, editors,
MC2009, Vol. 1: Instrumentation and Methodology [Poster],
pages 293--294,
Knut Müller,
Marco Schowalter,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Wolfgang Stolz,
and Kerstin Volz.
Simultaneous measurement of In and N concentration maps and profiles in InGaNAs from a single TEM lattice fringe image.
In W. Grogger,
F. Hofer,
and P. Pölt, editors,
MC2009, Graz (Austria) Vol. 3: Materials science,
pages 45--46,
S. Pokhrel,
M. Schowalter,
A. Rosenauer,
and L. Mädler.
New precursors leading to single crystalline WO3 nanospheres.
In presented at AICHE annual meeting (2009),
A. Rosenauer,
M. Schowalter,
A. Pretorius,
A. Avramescu,
K. Engl,
and S. Lutgen.
Quantitative measurement of composition profiles at interfaces in semiconductor nanostructures by HRSTEM.
In PSI2009, Puri, India, February 2009,
Marco Schowalter,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Kristian Frank,
Knut Müller,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Analysis of semiconductor interfaces and surface segregation using the composition evaluation by lattice fringe analyis (CELFA) method.
In Physics at surfaces and Interfaces (PSI), Puri (India) [Talk],
V. Srivastava,
K.B. Surreddi,
S. Scudino,
M. Schowalter,
V. Uhlenwinkel,
A. Schulz,
J. Eckert,
A. Rosenauer,
and H.-W. Zoch.
Novel microstructural characteristics and properties of spray formed Al-RE-TM based alloys.
In Proceedings of the 4th International conference on spray deposition and melt atomization SDMA2009 and 7th international conference on spray forming ICSF7 held at University of Bremen during September 07-09, 2009,
John T. Titantah,
Dirk Lamoen,
Marco Schowalter,
Andreas Rosenauer,
and Knut Müller.
Ab initio based atomic scattering amplitudes and 002 electron structure factor of GaInAsN / GaAs quantum wells.
In 32nd International Symposium on Dynamical Properties of Solids, Antwerp (Belgium) [Poster presentation],
September 2009.
Thorsten Mehrtens.
Bestimmung von Segregationsprofilen in InGaAs/GaAs-Quantentrögen mittels konventioneller und Rastertransmissionselektronenmikroskopie.
Master's thesis,
Universität Bremen,
Claas Gloistein.
Messung von Debye-Waller-Faktoren für Galliumarsenid mittels Elektronenbeugung (Measurement of Debye-Waller-factors for gallium arsenide by electron diffraction),
May 2009.
Nils Neugebohrn.
Quantitative Untersuchung der Temperatur- und Dickenabhängigkeit des STEM-Dunkelfeldsignals von Zinkblende-Halbleitern (Quantitative investigation of the temperature and thickness dependence of the STEM dark field signal of zinc blende semiconductors),
July 2009.
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Last modified: Fri Jan 03 13:36:58 2025
Author: Christoph Mahr.
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