Publications of year 2011
Knut Müller.
Transmission electron microscopy of InGaNAs nanostructures using ab-initio structure factors for strain-relaxed supercells.
PhD thesis,
Universität Bremen,
May 2011.
Articles in journal or book chapters
Balint Aradi,
Peter Deak,
Huynh Anh Huy,
Andreas Rosenauer,
and Thomas Frauenheim.
Role of Symmetry in the Stability and Electronic Structure of Titanium Dioxide Nanowires.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C,
T. Aschenbrenner,
G. Kunert,
W. Freund,
C. Kruse,
S. Figge,
M. Schowalter,
C. Vogt,
J. Kalden,
K. Sebald,
A. Rosenauer,
J. Gutowski,
and D. Hommel.
Catalyst free self-organized grown high-quality GaN nanorods.
physica status solidi (b),
Keyword(s): MBE,
III-V semiconductors.
Heiko Dartsch,
Christian Tessarek,
Timo Aschenbrenner,
Stephan Figge,
Carsten Kruse,
Marco Schowalter,
Andreas Rosenauer,
and Detlef Hommel.
Electroluminescence from InGaN quantum dots in a fully monolithic GaN/AlInN cavity.
Journal of Crystal Growth,
Keyword(s): A1. Electroluminescence.
J. K. Dash,
A. Rath,
R. R. Juluri,
P. Santhana Raman,
K. Müller,
A. Rosenauer,
and P. V. Satyam.
DC heating induced shape transformation of Ge structures on ultra clean Si (5 5 12) surfaces.
Journal of Physics: Condensed matter,
J. K. Dash,
A. Rath,
R. R. Juluri,
P. Santhana Raman,
K. Müller,
M. Schowalter,
R. Imlau,
A. Rosenauer,
and P. V. Satyam.
Shape transformation of SiGe structures on ultra clean Si(5 5 7) and Si(5 5 12) surfaces.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series,
J. Falta,
Th. Schmidt,
S. Gangopadhyay,
Chr. Schulz,
S. Kuhr,
N. Berner,
J. I. Flege,
A. Pretorius,
A. Rosenauer,
K. Sebald,
H. Lohmeyer,
J. Gutowski,
S. Figge,
T. Yamaguchi,
and D. Hommel.
Cleaning and growth morphology of GaN and InGaN surfaces.
physica status solidi (b),
Keyword(s): chemical analysis,
scanning tunneling microscopy,
quantum dots,
X-ray photoemission spectroscopy.
Stephan Figge,
Timo Aschenbrenner,
Carsten Kruse,
Gerd Kunert,
Marco Schowalter,
Andreas Rosenauer,
and Detlef Hommel.
A structural investigation of highly ordered catalyst- and mask-free GaN nanorods.
M. Florian,
F. Jahnke,
A. Pretorius,
A. Rosenauer,
H. Dartsch,
C. Kruse,
and D. Hommel.
Influence of growth imperfections on optical properties of nitride pillar VCSEL microcavities.
physica status solidi (b),
Keyword(s): lasers,
laser diodes,
optical properties,
III-V semiconductors.
Tim Grieb,
Knut Müller,
Oleg Rubel,
Rafael Fritz,
Claas Gloistein,
Nils Neugebohrn,
Marco Schowalter,
Kerstin Volz,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Determination of Nitrogen Concentration in Dilute GaNAs by STEM HAADF Z-Contrast Imaging.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series,
Katharina Gries,
Fabian Heinemann,
Meike Gummich,
Andreas Ziegler,
Andreas Rosenauer,
and Monika Fritz.
Influence of the Insoluble and Soluble Matrix of Abalone Nacre on the Growth of Calcium Carbonate Crystals.
Crystal Growth & Design,
Vincenco Grillo,
Knut Müller,
Frank Glas,
Kerstin Volz,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Toward Simultaneous Assessment of In and N in InGaAsN Alloys by Quantitative STEM-ADF Imaging.
Microscopy and Microanalysis,
7 2011.
V. Grillo,
K. Müller,
K. Volz,
F. Glas,
T. Grieb,
and A. Rosenauer.
Strain, composition and disorder in ADF imaging of semiconductors.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series,
Robert Imlau,
Knut Müller,
Oleg Rubel,
Rafael Fritz,
Marco Schowalter,
Kerstin Volz,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Investigation of optical and concentration profile changes of InGaNAs/GaAs heterostructures induced by thermal annealing.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series,
Carsten Kruse,
Wojciech Pacuski,
Tomasz Jakubczyk,
Jakub Kobak,
Jan A Gaj,
Kristian Frank,
Marco Schowalter,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Matthias Florian,
Frank Jahnke,
and Detlef Hommel.
Monolithic ZnTe-based pillar microcavities containing CdTe quantum dots.
G Kunert,
W Freund,
T Aschenbrenner,
C Kruse,
S Figge,
M Schowalter,
A Rosenauer,
J Kalden,
K Sebald,
J Gutowski,
M Feneberg,
I Tischer,
K Fujan,
K Thonke,
and D Hommel.
Light-emitting diode based on mask-Â and catalyst-free grown N-polar GaN nanorods.
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Stephanie Bley,
Marco Schowalter,
Kathrin Sebald,
Moritz Seyfried,
Jürgen Gutowski,
Stephan S A Gerstl,
Pyuck-Pa Choi,
Dierk Raabe,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
A (S)TEM and atom probe tomography study of InGaN.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series,
Knut Müller,
Marco Schowalter,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Dongzhi Hu,
Daniel M. Schaadt,
Michael Hetterich,
Philippe Gilet,
Oleg Rubel,
Rafael Fritz,
and Kerstin Volz.
Atomic scale annealing effects on InGaNAs studied by TEM three-beam imaging.
Physical Review B,
July 2011.
K. Müller,
M. Schowalter,
O. Rubel,
D. Z. Hu,
D. M. Schaadt,
M. Hetterich,
P. Gilet,
R. Fritz,
K. Volz,
and A. Rosenauer.
TEM 3-beam study of annealing effects in InGaNAs using ab-initio structure factors for strain-relaxed supercells.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series,
Angelika Pretorius,
Thomas Schmidt,
Timo Aschenbrenner,
Tomohiro Yamaguchi,
Christian Kübel,
Knut Müller,
Heiko Dartsch,
Detlef Hommel,
Jens Falta,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Microstructural and compositional analyses of GaN based nanostructures.
Physica Status Solidi,
A Rath,
J K Dash,
R R Juluri,
A Rosenauer,
and P V Satyam.
Temperature-dependent electron microscopy study of Au thin films on Si (1 0 0) with and without a native oxide layer as barrier at the interface.
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Knut Müller,
Katharina Gries,
Marco Schowalter,
Stephanie Bley,
Parlapalli Venkata Satyam,
Adrian Avramescu,
Karl Engl,
and Stephan Lutgen.
2D-composition mapping in InGaN without electron beam induced clustering of indium by STEM HAADF Z-contrast imaging.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Knut Müller,
Katharina Gries,
Marco Schowalter,
Parlapalli Venkata Satyam,
Stephanie Bley,
Christian Tessarek,
Detlef Hommel,
Katrin Sebald,
Moritz Seyfried,
Jürgen Gutowski,
Adrian Avramescu,
Karl Engl,
and Stephan Lutgen.
Composition mapping in InGaN by scanning transmission electron microscopy.
Keyword(s): Quantitative STEM,
Composition determination,
Multislice simulation,
Frozen lattice simulation.
Th. Schmidt,
M. Siebert,
J. I. Flege,
S. Figge,
S. Gangopadhyay,
A. Pretorius,
T.-L. Lee,
J. Zegenhagen,
L. Gregoratti,
A. Barinov,
A. Rosenauer,
D. Hommel,
and J. Falta.
Mg and Si dopant incorporation and segregation in GaN.
physica status solidi (b),
Keyword(s): defects,
photoelectron microscopy,
X-ray standing waves.
C. Tessarek,
S. Figge,
T. Aschenbrenner,
S. Bley,
A. Rosenauer,
M. Seyfried,
J. Kalden,
K. Sebald,
J. Gutowski,
and D. Hommel.
Strong phase separation of strained InGaN layers due to spinodal and binodal decomposition: Formation of stable quantum dots.
Phys. Rev. B,
March 2011.
Jianping Xiao,
Agnieszka Kuc,
Suman Pokhrel,
Marco Schowalter,
Satyam Parlapalli,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Thomas Frauenheim,
Lutz Mädler,
Lars G. M. Pettersson,
and Thomas Heine.
Evidence for Fe2+ in Wurtzite Coordination: Iron Doping Stabilizes ZnO Nanoparticles.
Keyword(s): density functional theory,
zinc oxide.
Heiko Dartsch,
Christian Tessarek,
Stephan Figge,
Timo Aschenbrenner,
Carsten Kruse,
Marco Schowalter,
Andreas Rosenauer,
and Detlef Hommel.
Electroluminescence from InGaN quantum dots in a monolithically grown GaN/AlInN cavity.
In DPG Frühjahrstagung, Dresden (Germany) [Talk],
S. Figge,
H. Dartsch,
C. Tessarek,
T. Aschenbrenner,
C. Kruse,
D. Hommel,
K. Sebald,
M. Seyfried,
J. Kalden,
J. Gutowski,
M. Schowalter,
K. Müller,
A. Rosenauer,
M. Florian,
and F. Jahnke.
Enhancing the Collection-Efficiency of InGaN Quantum Dots in Single Photon Emitters.
In poster PC1.17 ICNS 9 Glasgow, U.K. 2011, [Poster],
volume PC1.17,
K. Frank,
A. Rosenauer,
A. Wittstock,
B. Neumann,
and M. Bäumer.
STEM - tomography of nanoporous gold.
In poster IM3.P144 MC 2011, Kiel, Germany [poster],
R. Fritz,
A. Beyer,
W. Stolz,
O. Rubel,
T. Grieb,
K. Müller,
M. Schowalter,
A. Rosenauer,
I. Häusler,
A. Mogilatenko,
H. Kirmse,
W. Neumann,
and K. Volz.
HAADF-STEM in a JEOL 2200FS for quantitative analysis of composition in compound III/V semiconductor materials.
In W. Jäger,
W. Kaysser,
W. Benecke,
W. Depmeier,
S. Gorb,
L. Kienle,
M. Mulisch,
D. Häussler,
and A. Lotnyk, editors,
Proceedings of the Microscopy Conference 2011 (MC 2011, Kiel),
volume 1: Instrumentation and Methods,
pages IM2.P130,
DGE - German Society for Electron Microscopy.
Rafael Fritz,
Andreas Beyer,
Wolfgang Stolz,
Kerstin Volz,
Knut Müller,
Marco Schowalter,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Ines Häusler,
Anna Mogilatenko,
Holm Kirmse,
and Wolfgang Neumann.
Quantitative analysis of chemical composition using HAADF -STEM in a JEOL 2200FS.
In Microscopy of semiconducting materials, Cambridge (UK) [Talk],
T. M. Gesing,
M. Schowalter,
C. Weidenthaler,
M. M. Murshed,
A. Rosenauer,
J.C. Buhl,
H. Schneider,
and R. X. Schneider.
Strontium incorporation in Mullite-type Bi2M4O8.
In Presented at IUCR conference in Madrid,
T. Grieb,
K. Müller,
O. Rubel,
R. Fritz,
C. Gloistein,
N. Neugebohrn,
M. Schowalter,
K. Volz,
and A. Rosenauer.
Determination of Nitrogen concentration in dilute GaNAs by STEM HAADF Z-contrast imaging.
In MSM 2011 Cambridge, U.K. [talk] talk D13,
Tim Grieb,
Knut Müller,
Oleg Rubel,
Rafael Fritz,
Marco Schowalter,
Kerstin Volz,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Determination of nitrogen concentration in dilute GaNAs by STEM HAADF Z-contrast imaging.
In DPG Frühjahrstagung, Dresden (Germany) [Talk],
T. Grieb,
K. Müller,
O. Rubel,
R. Fritz,
M. Schowalter,
K. Volz,
and A. Rosenauer.
STEM strain state analysis in combination with HAADF intensity evaluation to determine chemical composition of GaNAs quantum wells.
In W. Jäger,
W. Kaysser,
W. Benecke,
W. Depmeier,
S. Gorb,
L. Kienle,
M. Mulisch,
D. Häussler,
and A. Lotnyk, editors,
Proceedings of the Microscopy Conference 2011 (MC 2011, Kiel),
volume 1: Instrumentation and Methods,
pages IM2.P120,
DGE - German Society for Electron Microscopy.
V. Grillo,
K. Müller,
C. Frigeri,
K. Volz,
F. Glas,
and A. Rosenauer.
Strain, composition and disorder in ADF imaging of semiconductors.
In MSM 2011 Cambridge, U.K. [talk] talk D10,
L. Hoffmann,
H. Bremer,
H. Jönen,
U. Rossow,
J. Thalmair,
J. Zweck,
M. Schowalter,
A. Rosenauer,
and A. Hangleiter.
Strain Relaxation Mechanisms in Green Emitting GaInN/GaN Laser Diode Structures.
In ICNS 9 Glasgow, U.K., 2011 [talk] talk B4.3,
Lars Hoffmann,
Heiko Bremers,
Holger Joenen,
Uwe Rossow,
Johannes Thalmair,
Josef Zweck,
Marco Schowalter,
Andreas Rosenauer,
and Andreas Hangleiter.
Strain Relaxation Mechanisms in Green Emitting GaInN/GaN Laser Diode Structures.
In DPG Frühjahrstagung, Dresden (Germany) [Talk],
Robert Imlau,
Knut Müller,
Marco Schowalter,
Rafael Fritz,
Kerstin Volz,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Untersuchung struktureller und optischer Eigenschaften von getemperten InGaNAs-Trögen mittels TEM-Dreistrahlabbildung.
In DPG Frühjahrstagung, Dresden (Germany) [Talk],
R. Imlau,
K. Müller,
M. Schowalter,
O. Rubel,
R. Fritz,
K. Volz,
and A. Rosenauer.
Investigation of optical and concentration profile changes of InGaNAs/GaAs heterostructures induced by thermal annealing.
In MSM 2011 Cambridge, U. K. [poster] poster 2.16,
H. Kauko,
T. Grieb,
A. Rosenauer,
R. Bjørge,
M. Munshi,
H. Weman,
and A. T. J. van Helvoort.
Composition analysis of heterostructured GaAs nanowires with quantitative HAADF-STEM.
In Nanolab Meeting 2011, Trondheim (NO),,
G.T. Martinez,
S. Van Aert,
J. Verbeeck,
S. Bals,
and A. Rosenauer.
Quantitative interface characterization using model-based HAADF STEM.
In poster IM2.P116 MC 2011, Kiel, Germany [poster],
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Stephanie Bley,
Marco Schowalter,
Kathrin Sebald,
Moritz Seyfried,
Jürgen Gutowski,
Stephan S. A. Gerstl,
Pyuck-Pa Choi,
Dierk Raabe,
Adrian Avramescu,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
A (S)TEM and Atom Probe Tomography Study of InGaN.
In DPG Frühjahrstagung, Dresden (Germany) [Talk],
number 62.3,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Stephanie Bley,
Marco Schowalter,
Kathrin Sebald,
Moritz Seyfried,
Jürgen Gutowski,
Stephan S. A. Gerstl,
Pyuck-Pa Choi,
Dierk Raabe,
Adrian Avramescu,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
A (S)TEM and atom probe tomography study for InGaN.
In MSM 2011 Cambridge, U.K. [talk] talk D7,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Stephanie Bley,
Marco Schowalter,
Kathrin Sebald,
Moritz Seyfried,
Jürgen Gutowski,
Stephan S. A. Gerstl,
Pyuck-Pa Choi,
Dierk Raabe,
Adrian Avramescu,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Determination of composition in InGaN/GaN heterostructures using (S)TEM, Atom Probe Tomography and Photoluminescence.
In E-MRS Spring Meeting 2011, Nice (France) [Talk],
K. Müller,
T. Grieb,
O. Rubel,
M. Schowalter,
R. Fritz,
D. Z. Hu,
D. Schaadt,
M. Hetterich,
K. Volz,
and A. Rosenauer.
Conventional and Scanning TEM of InGaNAs: Comparison of theory and experiment.
In W. Jäger,
W. Kaysser,
W. Benecke,
W. Depmeier,
S. Gorb,
L. Kienle,
M. Mulisch,
D. Häussler,
and A. Lotnyk, editors,
Proceedings of the Microscopy Conference 2011 (MC 2011, Kiel) Germany [poster] Best poster award,
volume 1: Instrumentation and Methods,
pages IM2.P132,
DGE - German Society for Electron Microscopy.
Knut Müller,
Marco Schowalter,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Dongzhi M. Hu,
Daniel Schaadt,
Michael Hetterich,
Philippe Gilet,
Oleg Rubel,
Rafael Fritz,
and Kerstin Volz.
Annealing in InGaNAs studied by TEM three-beam imaging.
In DPG Frühjahrstagung, Dresden (Germany) [Talk],
K. Müller,
M. Schowalter,
O. Rubel,
D. Z. Hu,
D. M. Schaadt,
M. Hetterich,
P. Gilet,
R. Fritz,
K. Volz,
and A. Rosenauer.
TEM 3-beam study of annealing effects in InGaNAs using ab-initio structure factors for strain-relaxed supercells.
In MSM 2011 Cambridge, U. K. [Talk] talk B4,
Andreas Rosenauer.
Composition mapping in InGaN with Quantitative STEM and comparison with atom probe measurements.
In Invitied talk B2.1 ICNS 9 Glasgow, U.K. 2011 [invited talk],
A Rosenauer,
T. Mehrtens,
K. Müller,
K. Gries,
M. Schowalter,
S. Bley,
P. V. Satyam,
A. Avramescu,
K. Engl,
and S. Lutgen.
2D-composition mapping in InGaN without electron beam induced clustering of indium by STEM HAADF Z-contrast imaging.
In MSM 2011 Cambridge, U.K. [poster] poster 2.18,
A. Rosenauer,
T. Mehrtens,
K. Müller,
K. Gries,
M. Schowalter,
S. Bley,
P. V. Satyam,
A. Avramescu,
K. Engl,
and S. Lutgen.
Composition mapping in InGaN using HAADF STEM imaging.
In W. Jäger,
W. Kaysser,
W. Benecke,
W. Depmeier,
S. Gorb,
L. Kienle,
M. Mulisch,
D. Häussler,
and A. Lotnyk, editors,
Proceedings of the Microscopy Conference 2011 (MC 2011, Kiel),
volume 1: Instrumentation and Methods,
pages IM2.P113,
DGE - German Society for Electron Microscopy.
Andreas Rosenauer,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Knut Müller,
Katharina Gries,
Marco Schowalter,
Stephanie Bley,
Parlapalli Vencata Satyam,
Christian Tessarek,
Detlef Hommel,
Kathrin Sebald,
Moritz Seyfried,
Jürgen Gutowski,
Adrian Avramescu,
Karl Engl,
and Stephan Lutgen.
Quantitative STEM: Composition mapping in InGaN.
In DPG Frühjahrstagung, Dresden (Germany) [Invited talk],
A. Rosenauer,
T. Mehrtens,
K. Müller,
K. Gries,
M. Schowalter,
P. V. Satyam,
S. Bley,
C. Tessarek,
D. Hommel,
K. Sebald,
M. Seyfried,
J. Gutowski,
S. S. A. Gerstl,
P. P. Choi,
and D. Raabe.
Composition mapping in InGaN with quantitative STEM Z-contrast imaging.
In ICNS Glasgow 2011 [Invited talk],
A. Rosenauer,
K. Müller,
and M. Schowalter.
STEMSIM-a software tool for simulation of STEM ADF Z-contrast imaging.
In invited talk in the Workshop W4 Simulation for TEM and STEM MC 2011, Kiel, Germany [invited talk],
P.V. Satyam,
J. K. Dash,
A. Rath,
R. R. Juluri,
P. Santhana Raman,
K. Müller,
M. Schowalter,
R. Imlau,
and A. Rosenauer.
Shape transformation of SiGe structures on ultra clean Si (5 5 7) and Si(5 5 12) surfaces.
In MSM 2011 Cambridge, U.K. [poster] poster P2.2,
volume P2.2,
P. V. Satyam,
A. Rosenauer,
J. Dash,
A. Rath,
J. Raghava,
M. Schowalter,
Tim Grieb,
K. M�ller,
T. Mehrtens,
and Robert Imlau.
Compositional analysis of nanostructures with STEM Z-contrast imaging.
In EM50, Hyderabad (India) [Talk],
M. Schowalter,
J. Fischer,
A. Rosenauer,
and R.E. Dunin-Borkowski.
A theoretical assessment of the reported increase in the mean inner potential of Au clusters with decreasing particle size.
In poster IM2.P129 MC 2011, Kiel, Germany [poster],
M. Schowalter,
K. Müller,
and A. Rosenauer.
Density Functional Theory simulations for quantitative transmission electron microscopy.
In CECAM-HQ-EPFL workshop 2011, Lausanne, Switzerland [invited talk],
M. Schowalter,
M. Tewes,
K. Frank,
R. Imlau,
A. Rosenauer,
H.S. Lee,
O.G. Rastelli,
M. Schmidt,
M. Tavast,
T. Leinonen,
and M. Guina.
Investigation of diffusion in AlAs/GaAs distributed Bragg reflectors using HAADF STEM imaging.
In MSM 2011 Cambridge, U.K. [poster] poster P2.12,
W. Van den Broek,
S. Van Aert,
A. Rosenauer,
and D. Van Dyck.
Atomic resolution tomographic reconstruction algorithm for particles of nanometer size.
In poster IM3.P146 MC 2011, Kiel [poster],
T. Volkenandt,
E. Müller,
T. Mehrtens,
A. Rosenauer,
and D. Gerthsen.
Quantitative analysis of InGaN thin layers by scanning transmission electron microscopy at low electron energies.
In W. Jäger,
W. Kaysser,
W. Benecke,
W. Depmeier,
S. Gorb,
L. Kienle,
M. Mulisch,
D. Häussler,
and A. Lotnyk, editors,
Proceedings of the Microscopy Conference 2011 (MC 2011, Kiel, Germany) [poster],
volume 1: Instrumentation and Methods,
pages IM2.P114,
K. Volz,
R. Fritz,
A. Beyer,
W. Stolz,
K. Müller,
M. Schowalter,
A. Rosenauer,
I. Haeusler,
A. Mogilatenko,
H. Kirmse,
and W. Neumann.
Quantitative analysis of chemical composition using HAADF-STEM in a JEOL 2200FS.
In talk D11 MSM 2011 Cambridge, U.K. [talk],
Dennis Zillmann.
Bestimmung der Modulationstransferfunktion einer CCD-Kamera und Kontrasttransfer in der Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie (Determination of the modulation transfer function of a CCD camera and contrast transfer in the field of transmission electron microscopy).
Master's thesis,
Universität Bremen,
Otto-Hahn-Allee 1, 28359 Bremen, Germany,
October 2011.
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Last modified: Fri Jan 03 13:36:58 2025
Author: Christoph Mahr.
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