Publications of year 2012
Articles in journal or book chapters
Thorsten M. Gesing,
Marco Schowalter,
Claudia Weidenthaler,
M. Mangir Murshed,
Gwilherm Nenert,
Cecilia B. Mendive,
Mariano Curti,
Andreas Rosenauer,
J.-Christian Buhl,
Hartmut Schneider,
and Reinhard X. Fischer.
Strontium doping in mullite-type bismuth aluminate: a vacancy investigation using neutrons, photons and electrons.
J. Mater. Chem.,
Tim Grieb,
Knut Müller,
Rafael Fritz,
Marco Schowalter,
Kerstin Volz,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
A method to avoid strain field induced artifacts in 2D chemical mapping of dilute GaNAs by HAADF STEM.
Microsc. Microanal.,
Tim Grieb,
Knut Müller,
Oleg Rubel,
Rafael Fritz,
Claas Gloistein,
Nils Neugebohrn,
Marco Schowalter,
Kerstin Volz,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Determination of Nitrogen Concentration in Dilute GaNAs by STEM HAADF Z-Contrast Imaging and improved STEM-HAADF strain state analysis.
Katharina I. Gries,
Fabian Heinemann,
Andreas Rosenauer,
and Monika F.
In vitro growth of flat aragonite crystals between the layers of the insoluble organic matrix of the abalone Haliotis laevigata.
Journal of Crystal Growth,
Keyword(s): A1. Biocrystallization.
Dongchao Hou,
Apurba Dev,
Kristian Frank,
Andreas Rosenauer,
and Tobias Voss.
Oxygen-Controlled Photoconductivity in ZnO Nanowires Functionalized with Colloidal CdSe Quantum Dots.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Stephanie Bley,
Parlapalli Venkata Satyam,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Optimization of the preparation of GaN-based specimens with low-energy ion milling for (S)TEM.
Keyword(s): Scanning transmission electron microscopy,
Focused ion beam,
Argon ion milling,
Low-energy ion milling,
Stopping and range of ions in matter.
Knut Müller,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Marco Schowalter,
Josef Zweck,
Rafael Fritz,
and Kerstin Volz.
Strain measurement in semiconductor heterostructures by scanning transmission electron microscopy.
Microscopy and Microanalysis,
Knut Müller,
Henning Ryll,
Ivan Ordavo,
Sebastian Ihle,
Lothar Strüder,
Kerstin Volz,
Josef Zweck,
Heike Soltau,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Scanning transmission electron microscopy strain measurement from millisecond frames of a direct electron charge coupled device.
Applied Physics Letters,
Keyword(s): CCD image sensors,
electron detection,
electron probes,
nanostructured materials,
scanning-transmission electron microscopy,
semiconductor materials,
strain measurement.
A. Rath,
J. K. Dash,
R. R. Juluri,
A. Rosenauer,
Marcos Schoewalter,
and P. V. Satyam.
Growth of oriented Au nanostructures: Role of oxide at the interface.
Journal of Applied Physics,
Keyword(s): annealing,
electron energy loss spectra,
elemental semiconductors,
field emission electron microscopy,
metallic thin films,
molecular beam epitaxial growth,
scanning electron microscopy,
silicon compounds,
transmission electron microscopy,
vacuum deposition.
A. Rath,
J. K. Dash,
R. R. Juluri,
M. Schowalter,
K. Müller,
A. Rosenauer,
and P. V. Satyam.
Nano scale phase separation in Au-Ge system on ultra clean Si (100) surfaces.
Journal of Applied Physics,
Marco Schowalter,
Knut Müller,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Scattering amplitudes and static atomic correction factors for the composition-sensitive 002 reflection in sphalerite ternary III--V and II--VI semiconductors.
Acta Crystallographica Section A,
January 2012.
Keyword(s): scattering factors,
static atomic displacements,
modified atomic scattering amplitudes,
correction factor.
Marco Schowalter,
Andreas Rosenauer,
and Kerstin Volz.
Parameters for temperature dependence of mean-square displacements for B-, Bi- and Tl-containing binary III-V compounds.
Acta Crystallographica Section A,
Keyword(s): Debye-Waller factors,
mean-square displacements,
force constants,
phonon density of states,
phonon dispersion relations,
density functional theory.
K. Sebald,
M. Seyfried,
S. Klembt,
S. Bley,
A. Rosenauer,
D. Hommel,
and C. Kruse.
Strong coupling in monolithic microcavities with ZnSe quantum wells.
Applied Physics Letters,
Keyword(s): microcavity lasers,
quantum well lasers,
scanning electron microscopy,
transmission electron microscopy,
zinc compounds,
Huanjun Zhang,
Amir R. Gheisi,
Andreas Sternig,
Knut Müller,
Marco Schowalter,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Oliver Diwald,
and Lutz Mädler.
Bulk and Surface Excitons in Alloyed and Phase-Separated ZnO-MgO Particulate Systems.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,
W. Van den Broek,
A. Rosenauer,
B. Goris,
G.T. Martinez,
S. Bals,
S. Van Aert,
and D. Van Dyck.
Correction of non-linear thickness effects in HAADF STEM electron tomography.
Keyword(s): HAADF STEM tomography.
Timo Aschenbrenner,
Heiko Dartsch,
Elahe Zakizadeh,
Carsten Laurus,
Stephan Figge,
Alexander Würfel,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Andreas Rosenauer,
and Detlef Hommel.
Enhanced Carrier Confinement in InGaN Quantums Dots by Al(In,Ga)N Barrier Layers.
In ICMOVPE - XVI Busan, (Korea) [Talk],
Stephanie Bley,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Parlapalli Venkata Satyam,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Optimierung der Präparation von GaN-basierten Proben mittels Niedrigenergie-Ionendünnung für (S)TEM.
In DPG Frühjahrstagung, Berlin (Germany) [Talk],
number HL 64.7,
pages 240,
Malte Fandrich,
Timo Aschenbrenner,
Stephan Figge,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Andreas Rosenauer,
and Detlef Hommel.
AlInN/GaN-heterostructures for sensing applications.
In Verhandlungen der DPG,
number HL 73.1,
pages 245,
Malte Fandrich,
Timo Aschenbrenner,
Thorsten Klein,
Stephan Figge,
Carsten Kruse,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Andreas Rosenauer,
and Detlef Hommel.
Nitride Based Heterostructures with Ga- and N-Polarity for Sensing Applications.
In ICMOVPE - XVI [Talk],
S. Figge,
T. Aschenbrenner,
K. Morosov,
E. Zakizadeh,
C. Kruse,
A Rosenauer,
T. Mehrtens,
S. Kremling,
S. Höfling,
L. Worschech,
L. Forchel,
and D. Hommel.
Enhanced carrier confinement in InGaN quantum dots.
In International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2012 [Talk],
T. M. Gesing,
M. Schowalter,
C. Weidenthaler,
M. M. Murshed,
A. Rosenauer,
J.C. Buhl,
H. Schneider,
and R. X. Schneider.
Mullite-type dibismuth nonaoxometallates-(III): the effect of Strontium doping.
In European crystallographic meeting, July 29 - September 11, 2012 Bergen, Norway,
Tim Grieb,
Knut Müller,
Rafael Fritz,
Marco Schowalter,
Kerstin Volz,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
A method to avoid strain field induced artifacts in 2D chemical mapping of dilute GaNAs by HAADF STEM.
In Microscopy and Microanalysis [Talk 595],
volume 18,
pages 1028--1029,
Tim Grieb,
Knut Müller,
Rafael Fritz,
Marco Schowalter,
Kerstin Volz,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
A new method for true 2d chemical mapping: strain-field unaffected evaluation of dilute GaNAs by HAADF STEM.
In Microscopy and Microanalysis (M&M) conference 2012, Phoenix (USA) [Poster],
Tim Grieb,
Knut Müller,
Andreas Hyra,
Rafael Fritz,
Marco Schowalter,
Nicolai Knaub,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Chemical analysis of InGaNAs quantum wells using HAADF STEM.
In EMC 2012 [Poster], Session PS1.2: Thin films, Coatings and Interface, Manchester (UK),
Lars Hoffmann,
Heiko Bremers,
Holger Jönen,
Uwe Rossow,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Marco Schowalter,
Andreas Rosenauer,
and Andreas Hangleiter.
STEM and XRD investigations of ultra thin GaInN/GaN quantum wells with high indium content.
In Verhandlungen der DPG,
number HL 64.6,
pages 240,
L. Hoffmann,
H. Bremers,
H. Jönen,
U. Rossow,
T. Mehrtens,
M. Schowalter,
A. Rosenauer,
and A. Hangleiter.
STEM and XRD investigations of ultra-thin GaInN/GaN quantum wells with high indium content.
In International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2012 [Talk],
H. Kauko,
T. Grieb,
A. Rosenauer,
and A. T. J. van Helvoort.
Studying Sb distribution in heterostructured GaAs/GaAsSb nanowires with quantitative HAADF-STEM.
In EMC 2012, Manchester (UK),
T. Mehrtens,
M. Schowalter,
D. Tytko,
P.-P. Choi,
D. Raabe,
L. Hoffmann,
A. Hangleiter,
and A. Rosenauer.
Temperature dependence of Z-Contrast for InGaN.
In Microscopy & Microanalysis, Phoenix (USA) [Talk],
Knut Müller,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Marco Schowalter,
Josef Zweck,
Rafael Fritz,
and Kerstin Volz.
Strain analysis by nano-beam electron diffraction (SANBED) in semiconductor nanostructures [Invited talk].
In The XXXIII Annual Meeting of the Electron Microscopy Society of India,
pages 36,
Keyword(s): SANBED.
Knut Müller,
Andreas Rosenauer,
Marco Schowalter,
Josef Zweck,
Rafael Fritz,
and Kerstin Volz.
Strain measurement in semiconductor nanostructures by convergent electron nanoprobe diffraction [Talk].
In Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft,
volume 47,
pages 312,
A. Rosenauer,
K. Mller,
T. Mehrtens,
M. Schowalter,
A. Würfel,
T. Aschenbrenner,
C. Kruse,
D. Hommel,
L. Hoffmann,
A. Hangleiter,
P.-P. Choi,
and D. Raabe.
Measurement of composition in InGaN nanostructures using scanning transmission electron microscopy.
In International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2012, Sapporo (Japan) [Invited Talk],
A. Rosenauer,
K. Müller,
T. Mehrtens,
M. Schowalter,
T. Aschenbrenner,
C. Kruse,
D. Hommel,
K. Sebald,
and J. Gutowski.
TEM investigation of InGaN quantum dots.
In First German-Korean Symposium on Nano-optics and Nano-technology, Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst, (Germany) December 14, 2012, [Invited talk],
Andreas Rosenauer,
Knut Müller,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Marco Schowalter,
Rafael Fritz,
and Kerstin Volz.
Measurement of Composition and Strain by Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy.
In Microscopy and Microanalysis, Phoenix (USA) [Invited talk],
Andreas Rosenauer,
Knut Müller,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Marco Schowalter,
Alexander Würfel,
Timo Aschenbrenner,
Carsten Kruse,
Detlef Hommel,
Lars Hoffmann,
Andreas Hangleiter,
S. A. Gerstl,
Pyuck-Pa Choi,
and Dirk Raabe.
Measurement of composition and strain in InGaN quantum dots by STEM [Plenary talk].
In The XXXIII Annual Meeting of the Electron Microscopy Society of India, EMSI2012, Bengaluru (Indien), July 4, 2012 [invited talk],
pages 25,
A. Rosenauer,
K. Müller,
T. Mehrtens,
M. Schowalter,
J. Zweck,
R. Fritz,
and K. Volz.
Measurement of Composition and Strain by STEM.
In International Conference on Extended Defects in Semiconductors, EDS 2012, Thessaloniki (Greece) [Invited Talk],
Andreas Rosenauer,
Knut Müller,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Marco Schowalter,
Josef Zweck,
Rafael Fritz,
and Kerstin Volz.
Measurement of composition and strain by STEM.
In Microscopy and Microanalysis 2012 (M&M2012), Phoenix, Arizona, July 29-August 2 [Invited talk],
volume 18,
pages 1804--1805,
Uwe Rossow,
Andreas Kruse,
Holger Jönen,
Lars Hoffmann,
Fedor Ketzer,
Torsten Langer,
Ronald Buss,
Heiko Bremers,
Andreas Hangleiter,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Marco Schowalter,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Optimizing the Growth Process of the Active Zone in GaN Based Laser Structures for the Long Wavelength Region.
In ICMOVPE - XVI [Talk],
Alexander Würfel,
Thorsten Mehrtens,
Christian Tessarek,
Timo Aschenbrenner,
Detlef Hommel,
and Andreas Rosenauer.
Untersuchung von InGaN-basierten Quantenpunktsystemen mittels STEM Z-Kontrast.
In Verhandlungen der DPG,
number HL 25.15,
pages 223,
Daniel Erben.
Verspannungsmessungen in SiGe-basierten Feldeffekttransistoren mittels konvergenter Elektronenbeugung (Strain measurements in SiGe-based field effect transistors using convergent electron diffraction),
August 2012.
Patrick Karasch.
Messung von Verspannungen und piezoelektrischen Feldern in InGaN/GaN Quantentrögen mittels Elektronenbeugung (Measurement of strain and piezoelectric fields in InGaN/GaN quantum wells by electron diffraction),
August 2012.
Christoph Mahr.
Einfluss von Linsenfehlers auf Verspannungsmessungen aus CBED-Bildern im TEM (Impact of lens aberrations on strain measurements from CBED images in a TEM),
July 2012.
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Last modified: Fri Jan 03 13:36:58 2025
Author: Christoph Mahr.
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