Publications of year 2014
Articles in journal or book chapters
  1. Michael Adam, Marcus Bäumer, Marco Schowalter, Johannes Birkenstock, Michaela Wilhelm, and Georg Grathwohl. Generation of Pt- and Pt/Zn-containing ceramers and their structuring as macro/microporous foams. Chemical Engineering Journal, 247(0):205--215, 2014. Keyword(s): Polysiloxane.

  2. M. Dries, S. Hettler, B. Gamm, E. Müller, W. Send, K. Müller, A. Rosenauer, and D. Gerthsen. A nanocrystalline Hilbert phase-plate for phase-contrast transmission electron microscopy. Ultramicroscopy, 139(0):29--37, 2014. Keyword(s): Transmission electron microscopy.

  3. Elias Goldmann, Matthias Paul, Florian F. Krause, Knut Müller, Jan Kettler, Thorsten Mehrtens, Andreas Rosenauer, Michael Jetter, Peter Michler, and Frank Jahnke. Structural and emission properties of InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots emitting at 1.3 micrometers. Applied Physics Letters, 105(15):152102, 2014.

  4. Tim Grieb, Knut Müller, Emmanuel Cadel, Andreas Beyer, Marco Schowalter, Etienne Talbot, Kerstin Volz, and Andreas Rosenauer. Simultaneous Quantification of Indium and Nitrogen Concentration in InGaNAs Using HAADF-STEM. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 20:1740, 9 2014.

  5. H.K. Grossmann, T. Grieb, and S. Schopf, Y.H. Ng, R. Amal, and L. Mädler. Flame made oxide heterojunctions for photocatalytic water splitting. Chem. Ing. Tech., 86:1427, 2014.

  6. Dominik Heinz, Mohamed Fikry, Timo Aschenbrenner, Marco Schowalter, Tobias Meisch, Manfred Madel, Florian Huber, Matthias Hocker, Manuel Frey, Ingo Tischer, Benjamin Neuschl, Thorsten Mehrtens, Knut Müller, Andreas Rosenauer, Detlef Hommel, Klaus Thonke, and Ferdinand Scholz. GaN tubes with coaxial non- and semipolar GaInN quantum wells. Phys. Status Solidi (c), 11:648--651, 2014.

  7. R. R. Juluri, A. Rath, A. Ghosh, A. Bhukta, R. Sathyavathi, D. Narayana Rao, Knut Müller, Marco Schowalter, Kristian Frank, Tim Grieb, Florian Krause, Andreas Rosenauer, and Parlapalli Vencata Satyam. Coherently Embedded Ag Nanostructures in Si: 3D Imaging and their application to SERS. Scientific Reports, 4:4633, April 2014.

  8. H. Kauko, B. O. Fimland, T. Grieb, A. M. Munshi, K. Müller, A. Rosenauer, and A. T. J. van Helvoort. Near-surface depletion of antimony during the growth of GaAsSb and GaAs/GaAsSb nanowires. Journal of Applied Physics, 116(14):144303, 2014.

  9. H. Kauko, T. Grieb, A. M. Munshi, K. Mller, A. Rosenauer, B. O. Fimland, and A. T. J. van Helvoort. The Outward Diffusion of Sb during Nanowire Growth Studied by Quantitative High-Angle Annular Dark Field Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 20:186--187, 8 2014.

  10. L. Mädler, A. Gröhn, T. Grieb, F. Meierhofer, U. Fritsching, K. Wegner, and H.K. Grossmann. Size -and composite-controlled synthesis of multi oxide nanoparticles using double-flame spray pyrolysis. Chem. Ing. Tech., 86:1541, 2014.

  11. Knut Müller, Florian F. Krause, Armand Béché, Marco Schowalter, Vincent Galioit, Stefan Löffler, Johan Verbeeck, Josef Zweck, Peter Schattschneider, and Andreas Rosenauer. Atomic electric fields revealed by a quantum mechanical approach to electron picodiffraction. Nature Communications, 5:5653:1--8, December 2014. Keyword(s): DPC, STEM, electric field.

  12. A. Rath, J. K. Dash, R. R. Juluri, A. Ghosh, T. Grieb, M. Schowalter, F. F. Krause, K. Müller, A. Rosenauer, and P. V. Satyam. A study of the initial stages of the growth of Au-assisted epitaxial Ge nanowires on a clean Ge(100) surface. CrystEngComm, 16:2486--2490, 2014.

  13. Andreas Rosenauer, Florian F. Krause, Knut Müller, Marco Schowalter, and Thorsten Mehrtens. Conventional Transmission Electron Microscopy Imaging beyond the Diffraction and Information Limits. Phys. Rev. Lett., 113:096101, August 2014.

  14. Ahin Roy, Subhajit Kundu, Knut Müller, Andreas Rosenauer, Saransh Singh, Prita Pant, M. P. Gururajan, Praveen Kumar, J. Weissmüller, Abhishek Kumar Singh, and N. Ravishankar. Wrinkling of Atomic Planes in Ultrathin Au Nanowires. Nano Letters, 14(8):4859--4866, 2014.

  15. J. Schmidt, R. Hartmann, P. Holl, M. Huth, G. Lutz, K. Müller, A. Rosenauer, H. Ryll, S. Send, M. Simson, D. Steigenhöfer, J. Soltau, H. Soltau, and L. Strüder. Extending the dynamic range of fully depleted pnCCDs. Journal of Instrumentation, 9(10):P10008, 2014. Keyword(s): pnCCD, direct electron detection, CCD, fast, ultrafast.

  16. Marco Schowalter, Ingo Stoffers, Florian F. Krause, Thorsten Mehrtens, Knut Müller, Malte Fandrich, Timo Aschenbrenner, Detlef Hommel, and Andreas Rosenauer. Influence of Static Atomic Displacements on Composition Quantification of AlGaN/GaN Heterostructures from HAADF-STEM Images. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 20:1463--1470, 10 2014.

  17. Duggi V. Sridhara Rao, Ramachandran Sankarasubramanian, Kuttanellore Muraleedharan, Thorsten Mehrtens, Andreas Rosenauer, and Dipankar Banerjee. Quantitative Strain and Compositional Studies of InGaAs Epilayer in a GaAs-based pHEMT Device Structure by TEM Techniques. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 20:1262--1270, 8 2014.

  18. Olesea Volciuc, Vladimir Sergentu, Ion Tiginyanu, Marco Schowalter, Veaceslav Ursaki, Andreas Rosenauer, Detlef Hommel, and Jürgen Gutowski. Photonic Crystal Structures Based on GaN Ultrathin Membranes. Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics, 9(2):271--275, 2014. Keyword(s): GAN ULTRATHIN MEMBRANES, NANOSTRUCTURE FABRICATION, PHOTONIC CRYSTALS, THEORY AND DESIGN.

Conference articles
  1. Jan-Philipp Ahl, Joachim Hertkorn, Anna Nirschl, Michael Benedikt, Bernhard Holländer, Florian F. Krause, Pyuck-Pa Choi, Dierk Raabe, and Andreas Rosenauer. On the possibility to use quaternary AlInGaN for polarization engineering (Talk). In Proceedings of the International Conference on Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy 2014 (ICMOVPE 17), Lausanne (CH), 2014.

  2. Manuel Dries, Simon Hettler, Björn Gamm, Erich Müller, Wilfried Send, Dagmar Gerthsen, Knut Müller, and Andreas Rosenauer. A Nanocrystalline Hilbert Phase Plate for Phase Contrast Transmission Electron Microscopy. In Microscopy and Microanalysis (M&M) 2014, Hartford (USA) [], 2014.

  3. T Grieb, Müller K., Mahr C., Cadel E., Beyer A., Talbot E., Schowalter M., Volz K., and Rosenauer A.. A Method to Analyse the Chemical Composition in (InGa)(NAs) based on Evaluation of HAADF Intensity in STEM. In 18th International Microscopy Congress (IMC) [Talk IT-2-O-2414], 2014.

  4. H.K. Grossmann, T. Grieb, and L. Mädler. Tailor made multi-component oxide nanaoparticles produced by double flame spray pyrolysis and their application for photocatalytic water splitting. In ICONN 2014, Adelaine (AU), 2014.

  5. H.K. Grossmann, T. Grieb, and S. Schopf, Y.H. Ng, R. Amal, and L. Mädler. Flame made oxide heterojunctions for efficient charge separation in photocatalytic applications. In IPS conference 2014, Berlin (DE), 2014.

  6. H.K. Grossmann, T. Grieb, and S. Schopf, Y.H. Ng, R. Amal, and L. Mädler. Flame made oxide heterojunctions for photocatalytic water splitting. In ProcessNet Jahrestagung (2014), Aachen (DE), 2014.

  7. H.K. Grossmann, A. Gröhn, T. Grieb, F. Meierhofer, U. Fritsching, K. Wegner, and L. Mädler. Size and composite controlled synthesis of multi oxide nanoparticles using double flame spray pyrolysis. In ProcessNet Jahrestagung (2014), Aachen (DE), 2014.

  8. H. Kauko, T. Grieb, A. M. Munshi, K. Mller, A. Rosenauer, B. O. Fimland, and A. T. J. van Helvoort. The Outward Diffusion of Sb during Nanowire Growth Studied by Quantitative High-Angle Annular Dark Field Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy. In Nanowires 2014, Eindhoven (NL), volume 20, pages 186--187, 8 2014.

  9. F. F. Krause, Müller K., D. Zillmann, J. Jansen, M. Schowalter, and A. Rosenauer. Comparison of intensity and absolute contrast of simulated and experimental high-resolution transmission electron microscopy images for different multislice simulation methods (Poster). In Proceedings of the 18th International Microscopy Congress (IMC), Prag (CZ), 2014.

  10. M.B. Lourenco, A. Redondo-Cubero, N. Franco, E. Alves, M. Sousa, T.C. Esteves, J. Rodrigues, N. Ben Sedrine, M.J. Soares, A.J. Neves, M.R. Correia, T. Monteiro, P.R. Edwards, K.P. O'Donnell, M. Bockowski, C. Wetzel, D. Carvalho, T. Ben, F.M. Morales, R. Garcia, T. Grieb, A. Rosenauer, and K. Lorenz. High thermal stability of InGaN/GaN quantum wells. In Vacuum conference (2014), Aveiro (PT), 2014.

  11. Christoph Mahr, Knut Müller, Daniel Erben, Marco Schowalter, Josef Zweck, Kerstin Volz, and Andreas Rosenauer. Strain Analysis by Nano-Beam Electron Diffraction (SANBED) in semiconductor nanostructures. In 18th International Microscopy Congress (IMC) [Poster IT-9-P-3029], 2014.

  12. Thorsten Mehrtens, Marco Schowalter, Darius Tytko, Pyuck-Pa Choi, Dierk Raabe, Lars Hoffmann, Holger Jönen, Uwe Rossow, Andreas Hangleiter, and Andreas Rosenauer. Temperature dependence of Z-contrast in InGaN. In 18th International Microscopy Congress (IMC), Prague (Czech Republic) [Poster presentation], 2014.

  13. Knut Müller, Henning Ryll, Ivan Ordavo, Sebastian Ihle, Martin Huth, Martin Simson, Josef Zweck, Kerstin Volz, Heike Soltau, Pavel Potapov, Lothar Strüder, Marco Schowalter, Christoph Mahr, Daniel Erben, and Andreas Rosenauer. Strain Analyisis by Nano-Beam Electron Diffraction using millisecond frames of a direct electron pnCCD detector. In 18th International Microscopy Congress (IMC) [Talk MS-8-O-3268], 2014.

  14. Knut Müller, Henning Ryll, Ivan Ordavo, Sebastian Ihle, Martin Huth, Martin Simson, Josef Zweck, Kerstin Volz, Heike Soltau, Andreas Rosenauer, Pavel Potapov, Marco Schowalter, Lothar Strüder, Christoph Mahr, and Daniel Erben. Strain Analysis from Nano-beam Electron Diffraction Patterns Recorded on Direct Electron Charge-coupled Devices. In Microscience Microscopy Congress, MMC 2014, Manchester (UK), July, 2014 [invited talk PS3.1.4], 2014.

  15. Andreas Rosenauer, Knut Müller, Thorsten Mehrtens, Marco Schowalter, Timo Aschenbrenner, Carsten Kruse, Detlef Hommel, Lars Hoffmann, Andreas Hangleiter, Pyuck-Pa Choi, and Dierk Raabe. Measurement of the indium concentration in high-indium content InGaN layers by scanning transmission electron microscopy and atom probe tomography. In SPIE Photonics West OPTO, San Francisco (USA) [Invited Talk], 2014.

  16. Andreas Rosenauer, Knut Müller, Thorsten Mehrtens, Marco Schowalter, Moritz Tewes, Timo Aschenbrenner, Carsten Kruse, Detlef Hommel, Pyuck-Pa Choi, Dierk Raabe, and Pavel Potapov. Measurement of Composition with Quantitative STEM. In EMSI-2014, Delhi (India) [Invited Talk], 2014.

  17. U. Rossow, L. Hoffmann, H. Bremers, R. Buss, F. Ketzer, T. Langer, T. Mehrtens, M. Schowalter, A. Rosenauer, and A. Hangleiter. Indium incorporation processes investigated by pulsed and continuous growth of ultrathin InGaN quantum wells. In ICMOVPE XVII, Lausanne (Switzerland) [Poster presenation], 2014.

  18. I.V. Rozhdestvenskaya, M. Czank, M. Schowalter, E. Mugnaioli, and W. Depmeier. New data of denisovite and the model of the structure according to HAADF images. In Abstracts of XVIII International conference „Crystalchemistry, XRPD and spectroscopy of minerals“ (2014), Ekaterinburg, 160-161. (in Russian), 2014.

  19. Henning Ryll, Robert Hartmann, Martin Huth, Sebastian Ihle, Knut Müller, Andreas Rosenauer, Julia Schmidt, Martin Simson, Heike Soltau, and Lothar Strüder. New Operation Modes with the PNCCD TEM Camera for Versatile, Direct Electron Imaging in Transmission Electron Microscopy Applications. In Microscience Microscopy Congress, MMC 2014, Manchester (UK), July, 2014 [Poster 1051], 2014.

  20. T. Schimpke, M. Binder, B. Galler, J. Hartmann, A. Waag, F. F. Krause, T. Mehrtens, A. Rosenauer, M. Müller, S. Metzner, P. Veit, F. Bertram, J. Christen, and H-J. Lugauer M. Strassburg1. Control of emission wavelength gradient along the m-plane facet of high aspect-ratio core-shell InGaN/GaN microrod LED structures (Talk). In Proceedings des Arbeitskreistreffens der Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kristallwachstum und Kristallzüchtung e.V. Arbeitskreis Epitaxie von III-V-Halbleitern 2014(AK III-V DGKK 29), Magdeburg (D), 2014.

  21. M. Schowalter, F. Krause, T. Grieb, T. Mehrtens, K. Müller, and A. Rosenauer. Position resolved single electron response of the HAADF-STEM detector and improved method for intensity normalisation. In 18th International Microscopy Congress (IMC) [Talk IT-2-O-3292], 2014.

  22. Marco Schowalter, Thorsten Mehrtens, Jokob Borchard, Max Grimme, Knut Müller, and Andreas Rosenauer. Influence of disorder on the temperature dependence of the HAADF intensity. In EMSI-2014, Delhi (India) [Talk], 2014.

  23. M Simson, R. Hartmann, M. Huth, S. Ihle, K. Müller, A. Rosenauer, H. Ryll, J. Schmidt, H. Soltau, and L. Strüder. New Operation Modes with the direct detecting pnCCD-camera in Transmission Electron Microscopy. In 18th International Microscopy Congress (IMC) [Poster IT-8-P-1696], 2014.

  24. D. Zhou, W. Sigle, K. Müller, A. Rosenauer, C. Zhu, M. Kelsch, Maier J., and P. van Aken. Contrast Investigation of Annular Bright-Field Imaging in Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy of LiFePO4. In 18th International Microscopy Congress (IMC) [Poster IT-2-P-2042], 2014.

  1. Christoph Mahr. Bestimmung von Präzision und Genauigkeit bei Verzerrungsmessungen mittels konvergenter Elektronenbeugung. Master's thesis, Universität Bremen, Otto-Hahn-Allee 1,28359 Bremen, Germany, September 2014.

  2. Knut Müller. Evaluation of STEM images with the ImageEval software [Tutorial], January 2014.

  3. Knut Müller. Nanowires, quantum wells, MOSFETs: Scanning and conventional TEM characterisation of structure and composition [Invited talk], October 2014.

  4. Knut Müller. Practice of quantitative STEM [Lecture], January 2014.

  5. Knut Müller. Quantitative analysis of (S)TEM images using the ImageEval software [Tutorial], October 2014.

  6. Knut Müller. Simulation of STEM images [Lecture], January 2014.

  7. Knut Müller. Simulation of STEM images with the STEMsim software [Tutorial], January 2014.

  8. Knut Müller, Thorsten Mehrtens, Florian Krause, Marco Schowalter, and Andreas Rosenauer. Simulation of STEM images [Invited talk], February 2014.

  9. Knut Müller and Andreas Rosenauer. Quantitative STEM simulation/Evaluation [Tutorial], September 2014.



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Last modified: Fri Jan 03 13:36:58 2025
Author: Christoph Mahr.

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