Publications of year 2021
Articles in journal or book chapters
  1. Tim Grieb, Florian F. Krause, Knut Müller-Caspary, Saleh Firoozabadi, Christoph Mahr, Marco Schowalter, Andreas Beyer, Oliver Oppermann, Kerstin Volz, and Andreas Rosenauer. Angle-resolved STEM using an iris aperture: Scattering contributions and sources of error for the quantitative analysis in Si. Ultramicroscopy, 221:113175, 2021. Keyword(s): Angle-resolved STEM, Quantitative STEM, Plasmon excitation, Inelastic scattering, Phonon correlation, Low-angle scattering.

  2. Tim Grieb, Florian F. Krause, Knut Müller-Caspary, Robert Ritz, Martin Simson, Jörg Schörmann, Christoph Mahr, Jan Müssener, Marco Schowalter, Heike Soltau, Martin Eickhoff, and Andreas Rosenauer. 4D-STEM at interfaces to GaN: Centre-of-mass approach & NBED-disc detection. Ultramicroscopy, 228:113321, 2021. Keyword(s): Electric fields, 4D STEM, Interfaces, COM, NBED.

  3. Daniel Loof, Oliver Thüringer, Marco Schowalter, Christoph Mahr, Anmona Shabnam Pranti, Walter Lang, Andreas Rosenauer, Volkmar Zielasek, Sebastian Kunz, and Marcus Bäumer. Synthesis and Characterization of Ligand-Linked Pt Nanoparticles: Tunable, Three-Dimensional, Porous Networks for Catalytic Hydrogen Sensing. ChemistryOpen, 10(7):697-712, 2021. Keyword(s): Amines derivatives, bifunctional ligands, heterogeneous catalysis, nanoparticles, platinum.

  4. Christoph Mahr, Alexandra Dworzak, Marco Schowalter, Mehtap Oezaslan, and Andreas Rosenauer. Quantitative 3D Characterization of Nanoporous Gold Nanoparticles by Transmission Electron Microscopy. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 27(4):678–686, 2021.

  5. Christoph Mahr, Knut Müller-Caspary, Tim Grieb, Florian F. Krause, Marco Schowalter, and Andreas Rosenauer. Accurate measurement of strain at interfaces in 4D-STEM: A comparison of various methods. Ultramicroscopy, 221:113196, 2021. Keyword(s): Strain measurement, Ptychography, Interface, 4D-STEM, Patterned apertures.

  6. Dennis Marquardt, Marco Schowalter, Florian F. Krause, Tim Grieb, Christoph Mahr, Thorsten Mehrtens, and Andreas Rosenauer. Accuracy and precision of position determination in ISTEM imaging of BaTiO3. Ultramicroscopy, 227:113325, 2021. Keyword(s): Imaging scanning transmission electron microscopy, TEM, CTEM, STEM, Tunnel junctions, BaTiO, Atom position determination.



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Last modified: Fri Jan 03 13:36:58 2025
Author: Christoph Mahr.

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