Publications of year 2024
Articles in journal or book chapters
  1. Alexandra Dworzak, Paul Paciok, Christoph Mahr, Marc Heggen, Carsten Dosche, Andreas Rosenauer, and Mehtap Oezaslan. Tuning the morphology and chemical distribution of Ag atoms in Au rich nanoparticles using electrochemical dealloying. Nanoscale, 16:9603-9616, 2024.

  2. Lukas Fuchs, Tom Kirstein, Christoph Mahr, Orkun Furat, Valentin Baric, Andreas Rosenauer, Lutz Mädler, and Volker Schmidt. Using convolutional neural networks for stereological characterization of 3D hetero-aggregates based on synthetic STEM data. Machine Learning: Science and Technology, 5(2):025007, April 2024.

  3. Tim Grieb, Florian F. Krause, Thorsten Mehrtens, Christoph Mahr, Beeke Gerken, Marco Schowalter, Bert Freitag, and Andreas Rosenauer. GaN atomic electric fields from a segmented STEM detector: Experiment and simulation. Journal of Microscopy, 295(2):140-146, 2024. Keyword(s): 4D STEM, centre-of-mass, COM, electric fields, GaN, momentum-resolved STEM, segmented STEM detector.

  4. Gerrit Küchen, Vinzent Olszok, Bjarne Kreitz, Christoph Mahr, Andreas Rosenauer, Thomas Turek, Alfred Weber, and Gregor Wehinger. Spray-dried Ni-Co Bimetallic Catalysts for Dry Reforming of Methane. ChemCatChem, 16(17):e202400371, 2024. Keyword(s): dry reforming of methane, spray-drying, supported catalysts, nanoparticles, temperature scanning experiments.

  5. Christoph Mahr, Jakob Stahl, Beeke Gerken, Valentin Baric, Max Frei, Florian F. Krause, Tim Grieb, Marco Schowalter, Thorsten Mehrtens, Einar Kruis, Lutz Mädler, and Andreas Rosenauer. Characterization of mixing in nanoparticle hetero-aggregates by convolutional neural networks. Nano Select, 5(4):2300128, 2024. Keyword(s): convolutional neural networks, double flame spray pyrolysis, hetero-aggregate, nanoparticle mixing, scanning transmission electron microscopy.

  6. Christoph Mahr, Jakob Stahl, Beeke Gerken, Florian F. Krause, Marco Schowalter, Tim Grieb, Lutz Mädler, and Andreas Rosenauer. Characterization of structure and mixing in nanoparticle hetero-aggregates using convolutional neural networks: 3D-reconstruction versus 2D-projection. Ultramicroscopy, 265:114020, 2024. Keyword(s): Hetero-aggregate, Nanoparticle mixing, Scanning transmission electron microscopy, Convolutional neural networks, Tomography.

  7. M. Schowalter, A. Karg, M. Alonso-Orts, J. A. Bich, S. Raghuvansy, M. S. Williams, F. F. Krause, T. Grieb, C. Mahr, T. Mehrtens, P. Vogt, A. Rosenauer, and M. Eickhoff. Composition and strain of the pseudomorphic $\alpha$-phase intermediate layer at the Ga$_2$O$_3$/Al$_2$O$_3$ interface. APL Materials, 12(9):091104, 09 2024.

  8. Jakob Stahl, Christoph Mahr, Beeke Gerken, Suman Pokhrel, Andreas Rosenauer, and Lutz Mädler. Quantification of the hetero-contact formation process for a CuO/CeO$_2$ hetero-aggregate model system prepared by double flame spray pyrolysis. Powder Technology, 448:120305, 2024. Keyword(s): Hetero-aggregates, Hetero-contacts, Flame spray pyrolysis, Double flame spray pyrolysis, Nanoparticle mixing, Quantification of mixing, Mixing quantifiers, Convolutional neural network, Temperature-programmed reduction, Differential centrifugal sedimentation.

  9. Jorge Adrian Tapia Burgos, Christoph Mahr, Alex Ricardo Silva Olaya, Lars Robben, Marco Schowalter, Thorsten Gesing, Andreas Rosenauer, Gunther Wittstock, Arne Wittstock, and Marcus Bäumer. Broadening the Realm of Nanoporous Gold Catalysts: Preparation and Properties When Emanating from AuCu as Parent Alloy. ChemCatChem, 16(17):e202400280, 2024.

Conference articles
  1. Tim Grieb, Christoph Mahr, Florian F. Krause, Knut Müller-Caspary, Marco Schowalter, Martin Eickhoff, and Andreas Rosenauer. Measuring electric fields with 4D-STEM: Demonstration of pitfalls by the example of GaN and SiGe. In European Microscopy Congress (EMC) 2024, Kopenhagen (Dänemark), [poster], 2024. Keyword(s): Konferenz.

  2. Christoph Mahr, Florian F. Krause, Jakob Stahl, Beeke Gerken, Marco Schowalter, Tim Grieb, Lutz Mädler, and Andreas Rosenauer. Characterization of structure and mixing in nanoparticle hetero-aggregates using convolutional neural networks: 3D-reconstruction versus 2D-projection. In European Microscopy Congress (EMC) 2024, Kopenhagen (Dänemark), [talk], 2024. Keyword(s): Konferenz.

  3. Marco Schowalter, Alexander Karg, Christoph Mahr, Martin Eickhoff, and Andreas Rosenauer. Computation of concentration dependent properties of $\varepsilon$/$\kappa$-(InGa)$_2$O$_3$ and its application to the measurement of strain in heterostructures. In International Workshop on Gallium Oxide and Related Materials (IWGO), Berlin [poster], 2024. Keyword(s): Konferenz.



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Last modified: Fri Jan 03 13:36:58 2025
Author: Christoph Mahr.

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